Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Week 33, Day 4

Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
  1. Bell Work: None--U.S. History EOC Test
  2. Try to finish watching "old" The Great Gatsby movie.
  3. Pass back graded papers.
  4. Corrections due on Monday, May 11 at 4:00pm
    1. Ch. 5 Gatsby Quiz
    2. Ch. 6 Gatsby Quiz
    3. Ch. 7 Gatsby Quiz
    4. Week 30 (W22-25) SAT SkyWard as W31 SAT Quiz.
  6. Reminders:
    1. Week 33 DRE is due tomorrow.
    2. Friday, May 8th is the end of the 3 week period.  I have put in quite a few grades.  Please check to make sure they are accurate.
    3. CORRECTIONS have NOT been entered yet.  I will try to get them entered before 4:00pm tomorrow.  Keyword is TRY!!!
    4. Graded papers--I would keep the graded papers until you see the grade in SkyWard.
    5. Happy Sixth Six Weeks...Free Rice...this is the only way you will be able to have a daily and quiz grade dropped. Numbers will likely be more than they were last six weeks. 

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