Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Week 6, Day 3
Objective: literary analysis, defining drama terms, cultural and historical impacts on literature, grade-level vocabulary

  1. Bell Work: What do you know about the Salem Witch Trials of the late 1600s?
    1. At least 40 words, with every 10th word underlined, and use at least two SAT words.
  2. Well, I changed my mind.  I am going to go ahead and give you one more class day to work on the literary terms from yesterday.  You're welcome! 
  3. If/when you finish, you need to STUDY and LEARN your SAT words.  
  4. Announcements/Reminders:
    1. Friday is the last day of the six weeks.  
    2. I am putting in the grades from the Open-Book Test over "To My Dear and Loving Husband" today.  There were SEVERAL people who turned it in on the form, but did not give me access to view or edit it. If your grade in SkyWard is a "1," that means you did not share it with me correctly.  If your grade in SkyWard is a "0," that means you did not turn it in on the form.
    3. I was not near a computer much yesterday and I may not be near one today, so if you emailed me yesterday or email me today, I will get back to you either sometime today or tomorrow.  Sorry for the delay.
    4. I'll be back on Monday.  Can't wait to meet all of you!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Week 6, Day 2
Objective: literary analysis, defining drama terms, cultural and historical impacts on literature, grade-level vocabulary

  1. Bell Work: Open up your textbook to page 1116-1117 and open up your Vocabulary/Literary Terms Document
  2. We are moving on to one of my favorite parts of the year.  We are getting ready to read The Crucible about the Salem Witch Trials of the 1690s!!!! It is incredibly interesting.  It is a play that I am planning on starting next week, when I get back!  Because it is a play, today, you are going to learn a little about drama (as in theatrical drama, not high school drama!)  
  3. As a class, read pages 1116-1117.
  4. Put the following terms on the "Literary Terms" part of your document.--this will go in the pink section.  Label them "Drama Terms" in the column for the story name.  (Define them.  Yes, you will need examples too!  Use what you already know or use Google!! )--Due Friday at 4:00pm.  I am planning on this being the only day to work on this in class.  Use your time wisely.  
    1. Drama
    2. Play
    3. Plot
    4. Acts
    5. Scenes
    6. Characters
    7. Actors
    8. Dialogue
    9. Stage Directions
    10. Comedy
    11. Tragedy
    12. Tragic Hero
    13. Tragic Flaw
    14. History Plays
    15. Melodrama
    16. Tragicomedy
    17. Modern Realistic Drama
    18. Political Drama
    19. Dramatic Conventions
    20. Suspension of Disbelief
    21. Soliloquy
    22. Aside
    23. Passage of Time

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Week 6, Day 1Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing  
  1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your SAT Week #5
  2. SAT Quiz #5
  3. Work on Week 6 DRE
  4. Spend the rest of class studying your new SAT words.  Next week's test will have 50 words on it.  We will drop off the first week's words and add the words from week 6.  PLEASE STUDY!  These tests are NOT going away!  

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

Week 5, Day 5
Objective: SWBAT write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose, use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading such as to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing

  1. Grade Week 5 DRE
    1. Remember, if you have "extra" corrections on the DRE just mark them off with your red pen, but don't count them wrong.  Only count it wrong if it is something that I have on mine, that you don't have on yours.  (But remember, if you corrected it in another way like adding a period and capitalizing the first letter of the new sentence rather than putting a semi-colon, that is okay too!)  Use your judgement and BE HONEST!!!!!!!!!
  2. Bell Work: Free Write...Write about anything that you want to write about.  (At least 40 words, underlining every 10th word, and include at least 2 of the current week's SAT words.)
  3. Finish working on the two items that are due TODAY by 4:00pm:
    1. Reading Readiness Diagnostic Test
    2. Beginning of Year Benchmark
      1. Note-I should have told you this already, but you will NOT know everything on this benchmark.  It is a test over what you are supposed to learn this year.  This one will be a completion grade.  Just do your best!
  4. Free Read OR
  5. Free Rice (make sure you are signed in and in my group) OR
    1. If you can't get into my group (haven't received the confirmation email) it is okay, I'm still working to resolve the issue.
    2. Sorry!!!!
    3. You can still play to gain knowledge and help others!!!! 
  6. Free Write (maybe you like to write...you may do so, write a novel, a diary entry, song lyrics, a poem, whatever you are inspired to write.) OR
  7. Study for your SAT Week #4 Quiz on Monday (use Quizlet to help you study!)
  8. Reminders: 
    1. SAT Quiz on Monday!!!! (Week 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 words will be on there!!!!) STUDY!!!!!
Please note: Fridays are not a time to work on things for another class.  You need to be productive for English class.  Please stay on task.  This is NOT a free day.  This a chance for you to do what you enjoy the most with regards to this class: reading, writing, or vocabulary development.

The more you write the better writer you will become.
The more you read the better reader you will become.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Week 5, Day 4
Objective: Reading Readiness Diagnostic Test and Beginning of Year Benchmark

  1. Bell Work:   no written bell work today
  2. Announcement:  When you email me from SkyWard, it does NOT attach your name to the email.  Therefore, you MUST let me know who it is that is writing the email.  I received another email last night from someone and I have no way of knowing who sent the email.  
  3. Online textbook should be working!  WooHoo!!!
  4. Go to:  PearsonSuccessNet.com
    1. Bookmark this site and save it!!!!!!
    2. Add your username and password to your Google Doc with all your usernames and passwords on it...you will forget it!
      1. Your name is in ALL CAPS
      2. Most of you will have "11" as your grade, but there are some of you that are still classified as sophomores and will have "10." You should know who you are.  If not, I believe you can find out this information in SkyWard.
    4. Your password:  ENGYOURBIRTHDAY (Example:  ENG071884)
      1. The "ENG" must be capitalized.
      2. Your birthday is six digits-MMDDYY.  My new daughter Ellie's birthday is August 8, 2014...hers would be ENG080814...you must have the zeros in there.
    5. When you log-on, you should see the textbook on your "Book Case"  
      1. Click "Open Book"
      2. Feel free to explore the site.
  5. Online Assignments
    1. I have assigned two assignments to you on the online textbook website.  
    2. Click "To Do" and it should show you the two assignments
  6. Reading Readiness Diagnostic Test
    1. Do this one first.
    2. This one is only about 40 questions.  It is due today by 4:00pm.
    3. I am planning on this being a grade.  Not sure if it will be a completion grade or a "real" grade, so do your best.  
  7. Beginning of Year Benchmark
    1. Do this one next
    2. It is long, so you probably won't get done today.  I will give you time to finish tomorrow.  It will be due on Friday by 4:00pm.
    3. I am planning on this being a grade.  Not sure if it will be a completion grade or a "real" grade, so do your best.
  8. With technology, we HAVE to be flexible.  If it is not working, log out and log back in.  If that doesn't work, study for your SAT quiz or play on Free Rice. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Week 5, Day 2
Objective: Students use comprehension skills to analyze how texts work together in various forms to impact meaning. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts.  Evaluate how messages presented in media reflect social and cultural views in ways different from traditional texts.  Evaluate the objectivity of coverage of the same event in various types of media.  Discuss influences that cause some books to be banned.

  1. Bell Work:  What is your opinion on censorship?  Is it ever okay?  If so, when?  If not, why not?  What is your opinion of banned and challenged books?  Why do you think some books are banned?  Explain your reasoning.  
    1. In your spiral, at least 40 words, and use at least two SAT words
  2. Discuss Bell Work as a class
  3. On your own, or as a class (however Mr. Galvan wants to do it) Watch Banned Book Videos
    1. Lauren Myracle Interview
    2. 100 Banned Books
    3. BLEEP
    4. Banned Books
    5. "Religious Nuts in Texas..."
    6. Katie Couric on Banned Books
  4. Banned & Challenged Classics
  5. Challenged Classics with Reasons
    1. Using the lists on the website, make a list of 5 books you'd like to read and 5 you've already read.  If you come up with more...that is okay!
  6. If time allows, look for videos on YouTube that are about Banned Book Week.  

Monday, September 22, 2014

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Week 5, Day 2
Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing

Since a majority of the class was gone yesterday with the Dual Credit History class, I'm just reposting yesterday's blog post.
  1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your SAT Week #4
  2. SAT Quiz #4
  3. Work on Week 5 DRE
  4. This week is Banned Books Week!  
    1. This is a week celebrating your FREEDOM TO READ!  
    2. Read this article About Banned and Challenged Books
    3. Think about how YOU feel about banned and challenged books.  Think about YOUR opinion of censorship.  (Hint: you'll be writing about it for tomorrow's bell work!)
  5. Don't forget to study your new SAT Words for Week #5.
  6. Announcements:
    1. Outside Reading Assignment
      1. I hope you are about half way done with your two books because you only have about 3 weeks left to finish Outliers and Drive.  
    2. I am almost done grading the Onondaga, Modoc, and Navajo Origin Myth Open-Book Tests.  Those grades should *hopefully* be in by the end of today.  You only need to worry if it is a ZERO.  Then, you may email me.  
    3. I am being pretty lenient on turning stuff in late right now.  That is because I am not there.  I will be back on Monday, October 6th.  At that point, there will be no excuses for turning work in late and I will be following the district policy on late work.  
    4. I still have to grade the assignments from "To My Dear and Loving Husband": TP-CASTT, Vocab., Literary Terms, and Open-Book Test.  I am working on getting this done this week.  But please be patient with me.  
    5. I also want everyone to know that I can see your chrome books from my house! With that being said, I am REALLY enjoying my time with Reese and Baby Ellie and AM NOT creeping on you all day long.  However, if I happen to be on my computer during nap time, or another lull in my day and I catch you doing something that you are NOT supposed to be doing, I can and I will write you up. I might give you warning, I might not.  Please use your time in my class wisely!!
    6. I'm STILL working on the online textbook...not having a very fun time getting everything straightened out.  Hopefully, after 3 calls to the company, we are getting somewhere!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Week 5, Day 1
Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing

  1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your SAT Week #4
  2. SAT Quiz #4
  3. Work on Week 5 DRE
  4. This week is Banned Books Week!  
    1. This is a week celebrating your FREEDOM TO READ!  
    2. Read this article About Banned and Challenged Books
    3. Think about how YOU feel about banned and challenged books.  Think about YOUR opinion of censorship.  (Hint: you'll be writing about it for tomorrow's bell work!)
  5. Don't forget to study your new SAT Words for Week #5.
  6. Announcements:
    1. Outside Reading Assignment
      1. I hope you are about half way done with your two books because you only have about 3 weeks left to finish Outliers and Drive.  
    2. I am almost done grading the Onondaga, Modoc, and Navajo Origin Myth Open-Book Tests.  Those grades should *hopefully* be in by the end of today.  You only need to worry if it is a ZERO.  Then, you may email me.  
    3. I am being pretty lenient on turning stuff in late right now.  That is because I am not there.  I will be back on Monday, October 6th.  At that point, there will be no excuses for turning work in late and I will be following the district policy on late work.  
    4. I still have to grade the assignments from "To My Dear and Loving Husband": TP-CASTT, Vocab., Literary Terms, and Open-Book Test.  I am working on getting this done this week.  But please be patient with me.  
    5. I also want everyone to know that I can see your chrome books from my house! With that being said, I am REALLY enjoying my time with Reese and Baby Ellie and AM NOT creeping on you all day long.  However, if I happen to be on my computer during nap time, or another lull in my day and I catch you doing something that you are NOT supposed to be doing, I can and I will write you up. I might give you warning, I might not.  Please use your time in my class wisely!!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014

Week 4, Day 5
Objective: SWBAT write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose, use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading such as to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing

  1. Grade Week 4 DRE
    1. Remember, if you have "extra" corrections on the DRE just mark them off with your red pen, but don't count them wrong.  Only count it wrong if it is something that I have on mine, that you don't have on yours.  (But remember, if you corrected it in another way like adding a period and capitalizing the first letter of the new sentence rather than putting a semi-colon, that is okay too!)  Use your judgement and BE HONEST!!!!!!!!!
  2. Bell Work: Free Write...Write about anything that you want to write about.  (At least 40 words, underlining every 10th word, and include at least 2 of the current week's SAT words.)
  3. Items that are due TODAY by 4:00pm:
    1. "To My Dear and Loving Husband" Vocab.--I have access to your document if you turned it in for the Origin Myths.  If you have zeros for the Origin Myths, go to last week's blog post and use the form to turn it in!
    2. "To My Dear and Loving Husband" Literary Terms--I have access to your document if you turned it in for the Origin Myths.  If you have zeros for the Origin Myths, go to last week's blog post and use the form to turn it in!
    3. "To My Dear and Loving Husband" TP-CASTT Poetry Analysis--Turn it in here.
    4. "To My Dear and Loving Husband" Short Answer/Open-Book Test--fill out this form
  4. Free Read--everyone MUST read for a minimum of 20 minutes.
  5. Then, you may continue free reading OR
    1. Free Rice (make sure you are signed in and in my group)
      1. If you can't get into my group (haven't received the confirmation email) it is okay, I'm still working to resolve the issue.
      2. Sorry!!!!
      3. You can still play to gain knowledge and help others!!!! 
    2. Free Write (maybe you like to write...you may do so, write a novel, a diary entry, song lyrics, a poem, whatever you are inspired to write.)
    3. Study for your SAT Week #3 Quiz on Monday (use Quizlet to help you study!)
  6. Reminders: 
    1. SAT Quiz on Monday!!!! (Week 1, 2, 3, AND 4 words will be on there!!!!) STUDY!!!!!
Please note: Fridays are not a time to work on things for another class.  You need to be productive for English class.  Please stay on task.  This is NOT a free day.  This a chance for you to do what you enjoy the most with regards to this class: reading, writing, or vocabulary development.

The more you write the better writer you will become.
The more you read the better reader you will become.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Week 4, Day 4
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing; evaluate how different literary elements (e.g., figurative language, point of view) shape the author's portrayal of the plot and setting in works of fiction; addresses the writing skills for an analytical essay, including references to and commentary on quotations from the text; analyzes the aesthetic effects of an author's use of stylistic devices.  

  1. **Please note: I was not near my computer yesterday and may not be today either.  If you have emailed me, I will get back to you as soon as I can.  I'm not ignoring you.**
    1. P.S. Someone emailed me from SkyWard yesterday, but didn't put their name on the email.  I have no clue who it was...please email me again with your name in the email.  
  2. Bell Work: Imagine you live in Colonial America.  Write a description of the place you live and the work you do to support your family.  
    1. In your spiral, at least 40 words, underline every tenth word, and use two SAT words.  
  3. Finish up your TP-CASTT assignment from yesterday
    1. Make sure you turn it in using the form from yesterday.
  4. Short Answer Questions with a partner for "To My Dear and Loving Husband"
    1. Make a copy of this document
    2. Work with the same person/people you worked with on the TP-CASTT
    3. Due tomorrow by 4:00pm
    4. One person from each group needs to fill out this form.  

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Week 4, Day 3
Objective: analyze cultural and historical impacts on literature; grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing; evaluate how different literary elements (e.g., figurative language, point of view) shape the author's portrayal of the plot and setting in works of fiction; addresses the writing skills for an analytical essay, including references to and commentary on quotations from the text; analyzes the aesthetic effects of an author's use of stylistic devices.  

  1. Bell Work: With the title, "To My Dear and Loving Husband," what do you think the poem will be about?  Use what information you know about the Puritans and what they wrote about, what the social expectations of women were in that time period, etc.
    1. This should be done in your spiral.  I've heard from some that I had on my blog to do your bell work in a Google Doc.  Please do your bell work in a separate spiral notebook.  We MAY eventually switch to a Google Doc, but I want you to write it for now.
    2. At least 40 words 
    3. Underline every 10th word
    4. Use at least two SAT words (either from the current week or past weeks)
  2. Yesterday, you should have
    1. Completed the right hand column on your American Literature Timeline
      1. If you are sharing the document with other classmates, I would recommend making a copy of it for yourself.  
    2. Read pages 74 and 75 of the textbook
    3. Started Vocab. and Lit. Terms for "To My Dear and Loving Husband"
    4. Completed the Author Information Sheet for Anne Bradstreet
    1. Make a copy of the TP-CASTT (Poetry Analysis) document
    2. Complete this Poetry Analysis for “To My Dear and Loving Husband” as you read. For the "T" part you could probably use your bell work answer from today.  
    3. You will need to work with a partner or two.  No one may work alone (unless you're absent)...and no complaining about it! ;-)
    4. No more than 3 in a group.  
    5. Write your answers in a color OTHER THAN black!  
    6. For several of these questions, there is not a right or wrong answer. It is simply how you interpret the poem.
    7. Due Friday by 4:00pm
    8. Turn it in here.
  4. Read and discuss "To My Dear and Loving Husband" by Anne Bradstreet
  5. Online Textbook
    1. I received the email late yesterday with the data that I need to import all of the students and give you online textbook access!  Yippee!!  I'm one step closer!  
    1. Vocab./Lit. Terms for "To My Dear and Loving Husband" due Friday.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Week 4, Day 2
Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing

  1. Bell Work: Open your American Literature Timeline
    1. In the right hand column, summarize the three origin myths that you read last week.  Tell me how they are origin myths, what the overall theme is for them, and how archetypes are used.  This is what the right hand column will be used for.  
  2. Now we are going to move on to Puritan/Colonial Literature.  We won't read very many poems in this class, but that is what we are reading for this section.  A few reminders about Puritan/Colonial Literature: they really only cared about work and prayer.  Fun was not allowed.  It was looked down upon.  They were very devout in their beliefs and religion and anything that could be considered 'fun' was a threat to their focus on God.  Very rarely did the Puritans express their emotions.  That is something that makes this poem very strange for Puritan Literature.  
  3. "To My Dear and Loving Husband" by Anne Bradstreet 
    1. Read pages 74 and 75
  4. Vocabulary and Literary Terms--add these to your Google Doc Vocab./Literary Terms  (several of you already did this...that is great!  Good job!)
    1. Vocabulary for Stories (p. 74)--(due Friday)
      1. Quench
      2. Recompense
      3. Manifold
      4. Persevere
    2. Literary Analysis Terms (p. 74)--(due Friday)
      1. Puritan Plain Style
      2. Syntax
      3. Inversion
  5. Author Information: Anne Bradstreet (p. 75)
    1. Open Author Information Document
    2. Make a copy of it.
    3. Read page 75 (as a class)
    4. Fill out the Author Information Document as we read about the author.  
  6. Remind Texting
    1. Only a few people signed up for the reminder texts from Friday's blog post.  Please check the blog post and sign-up.  I may even send out extra credit opportunities on there.  Also, make sure you sign up for your class period AND Avalos English III.
  7. Online Textbook
    1. Still working on getting you online access.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Week 4, Day 1
Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing

  1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your SAT Week #3
  2. SAT Quiz #3
  3. Work on Week 4 DRE
  4. Grades
    1. I have graded "Unlocking Word Meaning," "Vocabulary for Onondaga, Modoc, and Navajo Stories," and "Literary Terms for Onondaga, Modoc, and Navajo Stories."
    2. Check SkyWard
    3. If it is showing a "zero" for you, that means that you either didn't turn it in OR didn't give me access to it.  If you did not give me access, I sent you an email requesting access.  
    4. You must turn it in TODAY by 4:00pm to get credit.
    5. Friday was the end of the first three weeks, so grades are posted.  Please stay on top of your grades.  It truly is harder to fail my class than to pass...IF YOU DO YOUR WORK!!!
    6. If you have questions, email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.  
    7. I have not graded the Onondaga, Modoc, and Navajo Open-Book Test yet.  I'll be working on that this week.
  5. Remind Texting
    1. Only a few people signed up for the reminder texts from Friday's blog post.  Please check the blog post and sign-up.  I may even send out extra credit opportunities on there.  Also, make sure you sign up for your class period AND Avalos English III.
  6. Online Textbook
    1. Still working on getting you online access.  Should know a little more by tomorrow (HOPEFULLY!!)
  7. SAT Quizzes
    1. Please study!
    2. These quizzes build up and the ONLY way you are going to do well is to STUDY!  You have to LEARN these words.  You are tested over the same words for 5 weeks.  It is my hope that by having you test over them for that long it moves the information from short-term memory to long-term memory.  But in order for that to work, you HAVE TO STUDY!!!!!  Not just cram!
  8. You may study the Week 4 SAT Words for the rest of the class period.  
    1. Use quizlet!
    2. Write them down on your own paper.
    3. Make flashcards.
    4. Do whatever will help YOU learn them!!!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

Week 3, Day 5
Objective: SWBAT write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose, use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading such as to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing

  1. Grade Week 3 DRE
    1. Beginning this week, if you have "extra" corrections on the DRE just mark them off with your red pen, but don't count them wrong.  Only count it wrong if it is something that I have on mine, that you don't have on yours.  (But remember, if you corrected it in another way like adding a period and capitalizing the first letter of the new sentence rather than putting a semi-colon, that is okay too!)  Use your judgement and BE HONEST!!!!!!!!!
  2. Bell Work: Free Write...Write about anything that you want to write about.  (At least 40 words, underlining every 10th word, and include at least 2 of the current week's SAT words.)
  3. Turn your Vocabulary and Lit. Terms in here
  4. Make sure your Short Answer Questions for the Origin Myths are turned in here
  5. Remind Texting App
    1. I will be using Remind (formerly Remind 101) to send you updates about school and English class.
    2. I would like for you to sign up for these updates and I will do my best to remind you of upcoming tests, events, due dates, etc.  But the texts should not be excessive.
    3. Each of you will need to sign up for the class period you're enrolled in AND the one for All English III students.  
    4. Text your class's code to the phone number: 210-441-7299
      1. 1st period: @avalos1st
      2. 2nd period: @avalos2nd
      3. 3rd period: @avalos3rd
      4. 4th period: @avalos4th
      5. 5th period: @avalos5th
      6. 6th period: @avalos6th
      7. All English III students: @AvalosEng
  6. Free Read--everyone MUST read for a minimum of 20 minutes.
  7. Then, you may continue free reading OR
    1. Free Rice (make sure you are signed in and in my group)
      1. If you can't get into my group (haven't received the confirmation email) it is okay, I'm still working to resolve the issue.
      2. Sorry!!!!
      3. You can still play to gain knowledge and help others!!!! 
    2. Free Write (maybe you like to write...you may do so, write a novel, a diary entry, song lyrics, a poem, whatever you are inspired to write.)
    3. Study for your SAT Week #3 Quiz on Monday (use Quizlet to help you study!)
  8. Reminders: 
    1. SAT Quiz on Monday!!!! (Week 1, 2, AND 3 words will be on there!!!!)  STUDY!!!!!
Please note: Fridays are not a time to work on things for another class.  You need to be productive for English class.  Please stay on task.  This is NOT a free day.  This a chance for you to do what you enjoy the most with regards to this class: reading, writing, or vocabulary development.

The more you write the better writer you will become.
The more you read the better reader you will become.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Week 3, Day 4
Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding

  1. Bell Work: Why didn't the Native Americans write their stories down?  What did they do instead?  What were their stories about?  How did they get passed on?
    1. Remember...40 words (at least!)
    2. Underline every 10th word.
    3. Use at least two of the SAT words we've had so far.
    4. Please and thank you!!!
    5.  in Google Docs
  2. Work on Short Answer Questions over "The Earth on Turtle's Back" (Onondaga), "When Grizzlies Walked Upright" (Modoc), from The Navajo Origin Legend (Navajo)  (pg. 20-28)
    1. Make a copy of the document
    2. Open-Book
    3. Work with your group
    4. Due Friday
    5. Turn it in here  
  3. Finish working on Vocabulary and Literary Terms for these three stories (Due Friday!)
  4. Reminders: 
    1. Bring a book to read tomorrow...maybe Drive or Outliers.
    2. Email me if you still need copies of these books...I still have a few left. Please don't wait until the last minute to read these!!!!!!
    3. Week 3 DRE is due tomorrow.
    4. SAT Quiz on Monday.
    5. It's almost FRIDAY!!!!  

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Week 3, Day 3
Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding

  1. Bell Work: For the three stories you're about to read (or have already started), take your best guess at answering these three questions: What is the relationship between literature and place? How does literature shape or reflect society?  What makes American literature American??
    1. At least 40 words, underline every 10th word.
    2. Use at least 2 SAT words
  2. Onondaga, Modoc, and Navajo background
    1. As a class, read page 19.
    2. Important Information:
      1. Think about the geography of where each of these tribes originated from as you read.
        1. Onondaga lived in what is now upstate New York. (maybe along the coast)
        2. Modoc lived in what is now southern Oregon and northern California. (mountainous)
        3. Navajo lived in what is now considered the southwest in Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico. (some mountains, but a lot of desert)
  3. Listen to or read  "The Earth on Turtle's Back" (Onondaga), "When Grizzlies Walked Upright" (Modoc), from The Navajo Origin Legend (Navajo)  (pg. 20-28)
  4. Short Answer Questions over "The Earth on Turtle's Back" (Onondaga), "When Grizzlies Walked Upright" (Modoc), from The Navajo Origin Legend (Navajo)  (pg. 20-28)
    1. Make a copy of the document
    2. Open-Book
    3. Work with your partner/group (no more than 3 per group)
    4. You will have class time to work on it tomorrow.  
    5. If you need a hard copy of it, Mr. Galvan has them.
    6. Due Friday
    7. Turn it in here  
  5. I am working on getting you access to the textbook on-line.  It will probably be next week before it happens, but I am working on it.  Please be patient.
  6. Have a great day!!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Week 3, Day 2
Objective: Introduce Unit 1, understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding

  1. Bell Work: Recognizing when and where a story takes place helps you set expectations for reading.  Think of  a movie or television show you have seen recently.  What clues helped you understand the story’s setting?
    1. Remember...40 words!
    2. At least 2 SAT words (from Week 1, 2, or 3)
  2. Create a copy of this document 
    1. Please put YOUR NAME in front of the title "Vocabulary/Literary Terms."  For example: Chelsea Avalos Vocabulary/Literary Terms
  3. Vocabulary for Stories
    1. The definition and part of speech are on page 18.  For the sentence, you must use the word in the sentence.  You may make up your own (it better make sense) or you may use the one from the textbook.  It tells you after the definition on what page number the word can be found.  They should be in the textbook between pages 18-28.
      1. Ancestors
      2. Depths
      3. Protruded
      4. Unconscious
  4. Literary Terms
    1. For literary terms you will put the definition (you will have to figure out the definition by reading the paragraph(s) in the middle of page 18) and an example of this literary term.  For the example, it will NOT be the literary term in a sentence.  It is an example of that literary term.  It may or may not be a complete sentence.  (An example of an origin myth would be the Onondaga story, "The Earth on Turtle's Back."  
      1. Origin Myths
      2. Themes
      3. Archetypes
  5. If time permits, listen to or read "The Earth on Turtle's Back" (Onondaga), "When Grizzlies Walked Upright" (Modoc), from The Navajo Origin Legend (Navajo)  (pg. 20-28)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 3, Day 1
Objective: Begin Unit 1 Introduction; recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading.

  1. Bell Work: This week you are going to read 3 Native American origin myths: "The Earth on Turtle's Back", "When Grizzlies Walked Upright", and "The Navajo Origin Legend".  What are your predictions of what these stories will be about? What do you know about Native American stories?  (Were they written down or spoken?  How were they passed down through the generations?)  
    1. Remember...40 words!
    2. At least 2 SAT words 
    3. Underline every 10th word.  Please and thank you!
  2. Week 2 SAT Quiz
  3. Week 3 DRE
  4. Week 3 SAT Words
  5. If you haven't already, create an account on Quizlet.com
    1. Join Avalos Honors English III.
    2. I will approve you joining.
    3. Put your username/password on your document.
  6. Read Snapshot of the Period, pages 2 and 3 of textbook.  

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014

Week 2, Day 5
Objective: SWBAT write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose, use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading such as to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing

  1. Bell Work: Free Write...Write about anything that you want to write about.  (At least 40 words, underlining every 10th word, and include at least 2 of the current week's SAT words.)
  2. Grade DRE
  3. Finish sharing American Literary Time Period Research (if needed)
  4. Friday Free Day...kind of.  Your choice:
    1. Free Read 
    2. Free Rice (make sure you are signed in and in my group)
      1. If you can't get into my group (haven't received the confirmation email) it is okay, I'm still working to resolve the issue.
      2. Sorry!!!!
      3. You can still play to gain knowledge and help others!!!! 
    3. Free Write (maybe you like to write...you may do so, write a novel, a diary entry, song lyrics, a poem, whatever you are inspired to write.)
    4. Study for your SAT Week #2 Quiz on Monday
  5. Reminders: 
    1. If you need emailed me to borrow a Drive and/or Outliers book(s), please stop by before 8th period today to check in.  I am going to try to come up to the school today to bring them up here.  
    2. SAT Quiz on Monday!!!! (Week 1 and 2 words will be on there!!!!)  STUDY!!!!!
    3. Have a GREAT weekend!!!
Please note: Fridays are not a time to work on things for another class.  You need to be productive for English class.  Please stay on task.  This is NOT a free day.  This a chance for you to do what you enjoy the most with regards to this class: reading, writing, or vocabulary development.

The more you write the better writer you will become.
The more you read the better reader you will become.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Week 2, Day 4
Objective: Students create a Literary Period Timeline in order to demonstrate familiarity with works by authors in American fiction from each major literary period.  

  1. Bell Work: Yesterday, you did research on an American Literary Time Period.  From what you looked up, what author seems like the most interesting and learn more about?  What piece of literature from your time period would you most like to read?  (Please use complete sentences, needs to be at least 40 words with every 10th word underlined.  You do NOT have to use SAT words in today's bell work, but kudos to you if you can!!!)
  2. American Literature Time Period Research (only about 5-8 minutes)
  3. Present your American Literary Time Period to the class (each group should only take 3-5 minutes to present their information...pretty informal, just trying to get all the information to the entire class.)  If you don't finish, you can finish tomorrow.  
    1. Native American Literature
    2. Puritan/Colonial Literature
    3. American Revolution Literature
    4. American Romanticism Literature
    5. American Gothic Literature
    6. Transcendentalism Literature
    7. American Realism Literature
    8. American Naturalism Literature
    9. American Modernism Literature
    10. Harlem Renaissance Literature
    11. American Contemporary Literature
  4. As each group presents their information, record it in the appropriate section of your document from yesterday...but ONLY in the LEFT column.  We will use the right column later.  
  5. Create an account on Quizlet, join my class, and study for your SAT Quiz on Monday
  6. Reminders:
    1. DRE Week 2 is due Friday.
    2. SAT Quiz Week #2 on Monday.