Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012

Week 5, Day 5
Objective: SAT Quiz, discuss literary terms

  1. Bell Work: Free Write
  2. Discussion
  3. Newspaper
  4. Take your SAT Quiz
    1. Your username is your lunch number.
    2. Your password is wildcat2012.
    3. You will have to wait until I start the test, before you may begin
  5. Literary Terms: Point of View, Setting

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Week 5, Day 4
Objective: analyze cultural and historical impacts on literature; grade-level vocabulary; listening for understanding

  1. Study SAT Words 
    1. Quizlet
    2. Study Stack
  2. Quiz over "The Lottery"
  3. Quiz tomorrow over SAT Words

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Week 5, Day 3
Objective: analyze cultural and historical impacts on literature; grade-level vocabulary; listening for understanding

  1. Vote for Class Officer
  2. Bell Work: Does the fact that a book has been challenged or banned entice you to read it more?  Explain your answer.
  3. Discuss "The Lottery"
  4. Quiz over "The Lottery" tomorrow

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week 5, Day 2
Objective: analyze cultural reasons for stories, listen for understanding, understand social reasons behind banning books and determine whether this is right

  1. Vote for class officer
  2. Bell Work: Do you think books should ever be banned?  If so, under what circumstances?
  3. Videos and Discussion over Banned Books Week
  4. Quiz over "The Story of an Hour" and "The Storm" by Kate Chopin
  5. Study questions over "The Story of an Hour" and "The Storm" by Kate Chopin 
  6. If time permits, study Avalos Week 5 Vocabulary Words
    1. I recommend playing "Chopped" or one of the other fun games at the bottom.  

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Week 5, Day 1
Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding

  1. Bell Work: This week is Banned Books Week.  Why do you think some books are banned or challenged?  Explain your reasoning.  If you don't know what "Banned Books Week" is visit this website.
  2. Week 5 SAT Words
  3. 5 minutes to finish reading "Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin (in textbook)
  4. Discuss "The Storm" and "Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin
  5. Discuss "The Good Wife's Guide"

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Week 4, Day 5
Objective: SAT Quiz, discuss literary elements of "The Yellow Wallpaper"

  1. Bell Work: Free Write
  2. Take your SAT Quiz
    1. Your username is your lunch number.
    2. Your password is wildcat2012.
    3. You will have to wait until I start the test, before you may begin.
  3. Discuss "The Yellow Wallpaper"
  4. For Monday, read "The Story of an Hour" and "The Storm" both by Kate Chopin
    1. Remember to annotate and take notes on a separate sheet of paper.  I would recommend getting a spiral just for your literary notes.  
    2. Be ready for a quiz over these two short stories on Monday.  

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Week 4, Day 4
Objective: Discuss bullying and Rachel's Challenge.  
  1. Class discussion about bullying and Rachel's Challenge.  
  2. Reminders:
    1. Week 4 SAT Words--QUIZ TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!
    2. Study Week 4 Words
      1. Quizlet
      2. Study Stack

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Week 4, Day 3
Objective: (5) Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to:
(A) evaluate how different literary elements (e.g., figurative language, point of view) shape the author's portrayal of the plot and setting in works of fiction;
(B) analyze the internal and external development of characters through a range of literary devices

I am at a funeral today.  I am sorry that I have not been in here much this week.  I will be back on Thursday and Friday.  Tomorrow is Rachel's Challenge.  I hope you enjoyed "The Yellow Paper"--it is one of my favorites!!!! 

1. Bell Work: Fill out this form.
2. Discuss "The Yellow Wallpaper"
3. Your quiz grade will be whether you provide insight to the answers to the discussion questions.
4. Reminders:
    1. Week 4 SAT Words--Remember you have a quiz on Friday over words 1-20.
      1. Study Week 4 Words 
          1. Quizlet 
              1. Study Stack

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Week 4, Day 2
Objective: (5) Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to:
(A) evaluate how different literary elements (e.g., figurative language, point of view) shape the author's portrayal of the plot and setting in works of fiction;
(B) analyze the internal and external development of characters through a range of literary devices;
  1. No Bell Work
  2. Most, if not all, will be on the College History trip to Hill College.
  3. Read The Yellow Wallpaper, take notes. Be ready for a quiz on Wednesday.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Week 4, Day 1
Objective: Analyze AP Test

  1. No Bell Work
  2. Analyze AP Test from last week, score your essay based on the rubric I gave you last week.
  3. Read The Yellow Wallpaper, take notes.  Be ready for a quiz on Wednesday.  

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

Week 3, Day 5
Objective: write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose; organize ideas in writing to ensure coherence, logical progression, and support for idea; expand vocabulary

  1. Bell Work: Free least 40 words.  Underline every 10th word, please.
  2. Create an account on
    1. Join Avalos Honors English III
    2. I will approve you joining
    3. Click on Avalos Week 3
    4. Take test
  3. Submit this form to give me your grade
  4. Finish taking the Diagnostic Test, when done mark your name off of the board.
  5. Finish taking the BOY, when done mark your name off of the board.
  6. Read quietly at your desk

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Week 3, Day 4
Objective: Take an AP test to gauge the level of intensity for the real test in May.  Diagnostically it should give us an idea of where you stand at the beginning of this year.

  1. Bell Work: None
  2. Reminders:
    1. This week is the end of the 3 weeks.
    2. Check your grades on Skyward.
    3. I don't always remind you when something is responsible.  
    4. Study your SAT Words--Test Friday.  Remember these tests are cumulative and will build up to no more than 50 words per test.
    5. Study! Study! Study!
  3. Part IV of AP Diagnostic Test, 2nd essay writing portion

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week 3, Day 3
Objective: Take an AP test to gauge the level of intensity for the real test in May.  Diagnostically it should give us an idea of where you stand at the beginning of this year.

  1. Bell Work: None
  2. Reminders:
    1. This week is the end of the 3 weeks.
    2. Check your grades on Skyward.
    3. I don't always remind you when something is responsible.  
    4. Study your SAT Words--Test Friday.  Remember these tests are cumulative and will build up to no more than 50 words per test.
    5. Study! Study! Study!
  3. Part III of AP Diagnostic Test, 1st writing portion
    1. You may annotate and write on the test as much as you want.  Do your best!
    2. We will be taking the Full AP test all week this week.  Be prepared and remember it is timed, so use your time wisely.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week 3, Day 2
Objective: Take an AP test to gauge the level of intensity for the real test in May.  Diagnostically it should give us an idea of where you stand at the beginning of this year.

Bell Work: 11 years ago today, the worst terrorist attack on the United States took place.  September 11th is now considered a National Day of Service.  What are some things that you can do today or plan to do today to show your patriotism, to exude service, and/or to honor/remember those who lost their lives 11 years ago.  If you can't think of anything, write about what September 11 means to you.  
  1. Bell Work Requirements
    1. Write 40 words, minimum   
    2. Underline the 10th word.  
  2. SAT Words
    1. Week 3 SAT Words--you may want to "make a copy" of this
    2. Definitions are on my website 
    3. Remember these tests are cumulative and will build up to no more than 50 per test.
    4. Study! Study! Study!  
  3. Part II of AP Diagnostic Test
    1. I have highlighters.
    2. You may annotate and write on the test as much as you want.  Do your best!
    3. We will be taking the Full AP test all week this week.  Be prepared and remember it is timed, so use your time wisely.  

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Week 3, Day 1
Objective: Take an AP test to gauge the level of intensity for the real test in May.  Diagnostically it should give us an idea of where you stand at the beginning of this year.  

  1. Bell Work: Communication plays a big part in life.  When someone has the option of speaking or writing, when does he or she choose the latter?  In complete sentences, write the circumstances or situations in which writing is preferable to speaking and why.  Write at least 40 words.  
  2. Bell Work Requirements
    1. Now 40 words, rather than 5 sentences.  
    2. Will increase by 10 words each six weeks.  
    3. Make sure your date is exactly like I say. 
    4. example: Monday, 9/10/12 or Monday, September 10, 2012
    5. Underline the 10th word.  
    6. I will RANDOMLY check 4-5 per six weeks.  It will be a surprise as to which ones I will check, always make sure you are caught up.  
    7. When you are absent it is your responsibility to get it done.
  3. SAT Words
    1. Week 3 SAT Words--you may want to "make a copy" of this
    2. Definitions are on my website 
    3. Create a google doc within "Vocabulary" to keep up with the ones for the current week.
    4. Remember these tests are cumulative and will build up to no more than 50 per test.  
    5. Tests will either be Fridays or Mondays.  More information coming soon!
  4. Part I of AP Diagnostic Test
    1. I have highlighters.
    2. You may annotate and write on the test as much as you want.  Do your best!
    3. We will be taking the Full AP test all week this week.  Be prepared and remember it is timed, so use your time wisely.  

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

Week 2, Day 5
Objective: SWBAT write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose, use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading such as to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing.

  1. Bell Work: Free Write...Write about anything that you want to write about.  (At least 5 sentences)
  2. Give Mrs. Avalos your Photo Release Form, please.  
  3. Finish BOY Benchmark and Diagnostic Test
    3. Password: ENGMMDDYY (ENG + your birthday, include any leading zeros)
  4. Free Read (preferably not a textbook or magazine)
  5. Free Rice (make sure you are signed in and in my group)
  6. Free Write (maybe you like to may do so, write a novel, a diary entry, song lyrics, a poem, whatever you are inspired to write.)
  7. Chrome Book Troubleshooting (If you have a problem...) try:
    1. Refresh
    2. Close out of the screen/window and go back in
    3. Shut down your Chrome Book and log back in
    4. Remember, be nice to the Chrome Books and they will be nice to you!  
Please note: Fridays are not a time to work on things for another class.  You need to be productive for English class.  Please stay on task.  This is NOT a free day.  This a chance for you to do what you enjoy the most with regards to this class: reading, writing, or vocabulary development.

The more you write the better writer you will become.
The more you read the better reader you will become.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Week 2, Day 4

Objective: take the Beginning of the Year (BOY) Benchmark and Diagnostic test to gauge current levels.

  1. Bell Work: None
  2. Open up
    2. Password: ENGMMDDYY (ENG + your birthday, include any leading zeros)
  3. Work on your BOY test and/or Diagnostic test
  4. If you finish with both, you may play free rice.  Remember to play in MY GROUP!
  5. Be patient!
  6. Be patient!
  7. Remember, be nice to the Chrome Books and they will be nice to you!  
  8. Troubleshooting (If you have a problem...) try:
    1. Refresh
    2. Close out of the screen/window and go back in
    3. Shut down your Chrome Book and log back in
  9. Photo Release Form
    1. The sub will give you one.
    2. I will be taking pictures on Friday.
    3. Please bring the signed form back by Friday, or you can't be in the pictures that will be sent to Scholastic for the video.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Week 2, Day 3
Objective: take the Beginning of the Year (BOY) Benchmark and Diagnostic test to gauge current levels.

  1. Bell Work: None
  2. Open up
    1. Bookmark it
    2. Username: FIRSTNAMELASTNAME (all caps)
    3. Password: ENGMMDDYY (ENG + your birthday, include any leading zeros)
  3. Open up your Username and Password Document
    1. Put your Username and Password for in there
  4. Begin working on your BOY test
    1. You probably will not finish today.  
    2. You will have tomorrow to work on it, as well.
    3. When finished, work on the Diagnostic test.  

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week 2, Day 2
Objective: Introduce American Literature

  1. Bell Work: Write down everything that you know about American Literature.  If there is not enough for five sentences, write some questions that you have about American Literature.  
  2. Discuss Bell Work
  3. View as a class and take notes:
    1. YouTube Video 1
    2. YouTube Video 2
  4. Discuss Videos
  5. Plans for the rest of the week
    1. Diagnostic Test and Beginning-of-Year Assessment Wednesday and Thursday
    2. I will be out on Thursday