Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Week 15, Day 4
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing; 
  1. "Get Out of Jail Free" and "Leave Me Alone" Pass Buy-Back: TOMORROW
    1. ONE-DAY ONLY: TOMORROW, December 12, 2014!!!!
    2. Must bring them to class to receive the extra credit.
    3. You will NOT be allowed to go to your locker to get it.
  2. Work on Perfect School Project
  3. Reminder: Canned Food Drive Extra Credit Worksheet
    1. Follow the directions on the worksheet.
    2. Turn it in by Friday.
    3. Week 15 DRE due tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Week 15, Day 3
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing; 
  1. "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson Quiz
  2. Discussion over "The Lottery"
  3. Work on Perfect School Project
  4. Canned Food Drive Extra Credit Worksheet
    1. Follow the directions on the worksheet.
    2. Turn it in by Friday.
    3. I would wait until at least tomorrow to fill it out because I have MANY grades to put into SkyWard.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Week 15, Day 2
Objective: none
  1. Change of plans!
    1. As with all things, we must be flexible.  The counselor had to cancel her visit with my classes today.  
    2. Mrs. Angeley is tentatively rescheduled for NEXT Tuesday.
  2. Grade papers
  3. Talk about grades
  4. Work on Perfect School Project
  5. Homework: 
    1. Read "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson.  
    2. Take notes.
    3. Be ready for a quiz on Wednesday.  You may use your notes.
  6. Reminder:
    1. SAT Writing Field Test Wednesday morning

Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday, December 8, 2014

Week 15, Day 1
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing; 
  1. Bell Work: study for your SAT Quiz #14
  2. SAT Quiz #14
  3. Turn in W13 & W14 DRE
  4. W15 DRE
  5. Plans for the rest of the week
  6. Perfect School Project

Friday, December 5, 2014

Week 14, Day 5
Objective: literary analysis, defining drama terms, cultural and historical impacts on literature, grade-level vocabulary

  1. Class Discussion about "The Storm"
  2. Class Discussion about "The Story of an Hour"
  3. "The Storm" and "The Story of an Hour" Quiz
  4. "The Good Wife's Guide"

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Week 14, Day 4
Objective: brainstorm, consult with others, and formulate a major research plan to address the research topic (perfect school); formulate a plan for engaging in in-depth research on a complex, multi-faceted topic; follow the research plan to gather evidence from experts on the topic and texts written for informed audiences in the field, distinguishing between reliable and unreliable sources and avoiding over-reliance on one source; systematically organize relevant and accurate information to support central ideas, concepts, and themes, outline ideas into conceptual maps/timelines, and separate factual data from complex inferences; paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all researched information according to a standard format (e.g., author, title, page number), differentiating among primary, secondary, and other sources; all TEKS regarding synthesizing information and organizing and presenting ideas.  

  1. Work on Perfect School Project

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Week 14, Day 3
Objective: brainstorm, consult with others, and formulate a major research plan to address the research topic (perfect school); formulate a plan for engaging in in-depth research on a complex, multi-faceted topic; follow the research plan to gather evidence from experts on the topic and texts written for informed audiences in the field, distinguishing between reliable and unreliable sources and avoiding over-reliance on one source; systematically organize relevant and accurate information to support central ideas, concepts, and themes, outline ideas into conceptual maps/timelines, and separate factual data from complex inferences; paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all researched information according to a standard format (e.g., author, title, page number), differentiating among primary, secondary, and other sources; all TEKS regarding synthesizing information and organizing and presenting ideas.  

  1. Work on Perfect School Project

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Week 14, Day 2
Objective: brainstorm, consult with others, and formulate a major research plan to address the research topic (perfect school); formulate a plan for engaging in in-depth research on a complex, multi-faceted topic; follow the research plan to gather evidence from experts on the topic and texts written for informed audiences in the field, distinguishing between reliable and unreliable sources and avoiding over-reliance on one source; systematically organize relevant and accurate information to support central ideas, concepts, and themes, outline ideas into conceptual maps/timelines, and separate factual data from complex inferences; paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all researched information according to a standard format (e.g., author, title, page number), differentiating among primary, secondary, and other sources; all TEKS regarding synthesizing information and organizing and presenting ideas.  

  1. Work on Perfect School Project
  2. Receive "The Story of an Hour" and "The Storm" by Kate Chopin
    1. Read by Friday
    2. You may take handwritten notes and use them on the quiz Friday

Monday, December 1, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 14, Day 1
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing; 

  1. Bell Work: study for your SAT Quiz #13
  2. SAT Quiz #13
  3. Work on Week 14 DRE
  4. (make sure you are signed in and in my group)
    1. If you can't get into my group (haven't received the confirmation email) it is okay, you can still play to gain knowledge and help others!!!! 
    2. Let me know your username, please.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Friday, November 21, 2014

Week 13, Day 5
Objective: brainstorm, consult with others, and formulate a major research plan to address the research topic (perfect school); formulate a plan for engaging in in-depth research on a complex, multi-faceted topic; follow the research plan to gather evidence from experts on the topic and texts written for informed audiences in the field, distinguishing between reliable and unreliable sources and avoiding over-reliance on one source; systematically organize relevant and accurate information to support central ideas, concepts, and themes, outline ideas into conceptual maps/timelines, and separate factual data from complex inferences; paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all researched information according to a standard format (e.g., author, title, page number), differentiating among primary, secondary, and other sources; all TEKS regarding synthesizing information and organizing and presenting ideas.  
  1. Grade W13 DRE
  2. Work on Perfect School Project

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Week 13, Day 4
Objective: brainstorm, consult with others, and formulate a major research plan to address the research topic (perfect school); formulate a plan for engaging in in-depth research on a complex, multi-faceted topic; follow the research plan to gather evidence from experts on the topic and texts written for informed audiences in the field, distinguishing between reliable and unreliable sources and avoiding over-reliance on one source; systematically organize relevant and accurate information to support central ideas, concepts, and themes, outline ideas into conceptual maps/timelines, and separate factual data from complex inferences; paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all researched information according to a standard format (e.g., author, title, page number), differentiating among primary, secondary, and other sources; all TEKS regarding synthesizing information and organizing and presenting ideas.  
  1. Work on Perfect School Project

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Week 13, Day 3
Objective: brainstorm, consult with others, and formulate a major research plan to address the research topic (perfect school); formulate a plan for engaging in in-depth research on a complex, multi-faceted topic; follow the research plan to gather evidence from experts on the topic and texts written for informed audiences in the field, distinguishing between reliable and unreliable sources and avoiding over-reliance on one source; systematically organize relevant and accurate information to support central ideas, concepts, and themes, outline ideas into conceptual maps/timelines, and separate factual data from complex inferences; paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all researched information according to a standard format (e.g., author, title, page number), differentiating among primary, secondary, and other sources; all TEKS regarding synthesizing information and organizing and presenting ideas.  
  1. Work on Perfect School Project

Monday, November 17, 2014

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Week 13, Day 2
Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing  

  1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your Week 12 SAT Quiz
  2. Week 12 SAT Quiz
  3. Grade Week 12 SAT Quiz
  4. Make sure your Vocabulary and Literary Terms for Act IV are done.
  5. Work on Perfect School Project (talk about twitter)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 13, Day 1
Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

  1. Bell Work: Put your cell phone on your desk, upside down.
  2. Watch The Crucible, Act IV
  3. Reminders:
    1. SAT Quiz Week 12 TOMORROW!
    2. Act IV Study Guide due TODAY by 4:00pm.
    3. Act IV Vocabulary and Literary Terms due TODAY by 4:00pm.
    4. Because of the internet outage: Week 11 SAT Quiz Corrections due TOMORROW at 4:00pm.  
    5. Canned Food Drive ends FRIDAY!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Friday, November 14, 2014

Week 12, Day 5
Objective: brainstorm, consult with others, and formulate a major research plan to address the research topic (perfect school); formulate a plan for engaging in in-depth research on a complex, multi-faceted topic; follow the research plan to gather evidence from experts on the topic and texts written for informed audiences in the field, distinguishing between reliable and unreliable sources and avoiding over-reliance on one source; systematically organize relevant and accurate information to support central ideas, concepts, and themes, outline ideas into conceptual maps/timelines, and separate factual data from complex inferences; paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all researched information according to a standard format (e.g., author, title, page number), differentiating among primary, secondary, and other sources; all TEKS regarding synthesizing information and organizing and presenting ideas.  
  1. Grade Week 11 and 12 DRE
  2. Hand them in to the sub
  3. Be good for the sub.
  4. Work with your group on Perfect School Group Project

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Week 12, Day 4
Objective: brainstorm, consult with others, and formulate a major research plan to address the research topic (perfect school); formulate a plan for engaging in in-depth research on a complex, multi-faceted topic; follow the research plan to gather evidence from experts on the topic and texts written for informed audiences in the field, distinguishing between reliable and unreliable sources and avoiding over-reliance on one source; systematically organize relevant and accurate information to support central ideas, concepts, and themes, outline ideas into conceptual maps/timelines, and separate factual data from complex inferences; paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all researched information according to a standard format (e.g., author, title, page number), differentiating among primary, secondary, and other sources; all TEKS regarding synthesizing information and organizing and presenting ideas.  
  1. Pick groups for Perfect School Project
  2. Work with your group on Perfect School Group Project
    1. Perfect School Group Project
    2. Perfect School Group Project Rubric
  3. Due Date: TBD

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Week 12, Day 3
Objective: brainstorm, consult with others, and formulate a major research plan to address the research topic (perfect school); formulate a plan for engaging in in-depth research on a complex, multi-faceted topic; follow the research plan to gather evidence from experts on the topic and texts written for informed audiences in the field, distinguishing between reliable and unreliable sources and avoiding over-reliance on one source; systematically organize relevant and accurate information to support central ideas, concepts, and themes, outline ideas into conceptual maps/timelines, and separate factual data from complex inferences; paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all researched information according to a standard format (e.g., author, title, page number), differentiating among primary, secondary, and other sources; all TEKS regarding synthesizing information and organizing and presenting ideas.  
  1. Read Act IV of The Crucible on your own.
  2. Watch RSA over Drive.  
  3. Discuss Perfect School Group Project
    1. Perfect School Group Project
    2. Perfect School Group Project Rubric
  4. Due Date: TBD

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Week 12, Day 2
Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing  

Periods 4: ASVAB testing
  1. Work on Vocab. and Lit. Terms for Act IV (p. 1216)
  2. Act IV Vocabulary (p. 1216)
    1. Conciliatory
    2. Beguile
    3. Retaliation
    4. Adamant
    5. Cleave
    6. Tantalized
  3. Act IV Literary Terms (p. 1216)
    1. Tragedy
    2. Tragic Hero
    3. Tragic Flaw
    4. Allegory
  4. Look to see what part you might want for Act IV of The Crucible
    1. Don't ask me, "Which one doesn't read very much?!?"  LOOK!!!!
  5. Reminders/Announcements:
    1. Be good for the sub!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014

Week 12, Day 1
Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing  

  1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your Week 11 SAT Quiz
  2. Week 11 SAT Quiz
  3. Turn in Act III Study Guide to Mrs. Avalos
  4. Act IV Vocabulary (p. 1216)
    1. Conciliatory
    2. Beguile
    3. Retaliation
    4. Adamant
    5. Cleave
    6. Tantalized
  5. Act IV Literary Terms (p. 1216)
    1. Tragedy
    2. Tragic Hero
    3. Tragic Flaw
    4. Allegory
  6. Assign parts for Act IV of The Crucible
  7. Reminders/Announcements:
    1. Act III Study Guide due TODAY by 4:00pm.
    2. Act III Vocabulary and Literary Terms due TODAY by 4:00pm.
    3. I won't be here tomorrow; be good for the sub.

    Friday, November 7, 2014

    Week 11, Day 5
    Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

    1. Bell Work: Put your cell phone on your desk, upside down.
    2. Watch The Crucible, Act III
    3. Work on Act III Study Guide, Vocab., and Lit. Terms.
    4. Reminders:
      1. Act III Study Guide due Monday by 4:00pm.
      2. Act III Vocabulary and Literary Terms due Monday by 4:00pm.
      3. Week 11 DRE due Monday.
      4. Week 10 SAT Quiz Corrections due TODAY at 4:00pm.  
      5. I won't be here today; be good for the sub.

    Wednesday, November 5, 2014

    Thursday, November 6, 2014

    Week 11, Day 3
    Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

    1. Bell Work: 
      1. Put your phone upside down on your desk
    2. Get Act III Study Guide.
    3. Go over Week 10 & 11 SAT Words
    4. Finish reading Act III.
    5. Finish Act III Study Guide.
    6. Finish Act III Vocabulary
    7. Finish Act III Literary Terms
    8. Reminders:
      1. Act III Vocab. and Lit. Terms are due on Friday.
      2. Act III Study Guide will be due on MONDAY instead of Friday.
      3. Friday is the end of the 2nd six weeks!!!!

    Wednesday, November 5, 2014

    Week 11, Day 3
    Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing  

    1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your Week 10 SAT Quiz
    2. Week 10 SAT Quiz
    3. Finish Outliers Quiz
    4. Finish Drive Quiz 
    5. Week 11 DRE
    6. Act III Vocabulary (p. 1186)
      1. Contentious
      2. Deposition
      3. Imperceptible
      4. Anonymity
      5. Effrontery
      6. Incredulously
    7. Act III Literary Terms (p. 1186)
      1. Characterization
      2. Direct Characterization
      3. Indirect Characterization
      4. Irony
      5. Dramatic Irony
      6. Verbal Irony
    8. Reminders/Announcements:
      1. Vocab. and Lit. Terms for Act III of The Crucible will be due Friday at 4:00pm.

    Monday, November 3, 2014

    Tuesday, November 4, 2014

    Week 11, Day 2
    Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing  

    1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your Outliers and Drive Quiz
    2. Finish Outliers Quiz
    3. Drive Quiz 
    4. Work on Week 11 DRE
    5. Act III Vocabulary (p. 1186)
      1. Contentious
      2. Deposition
      3. Imperceptible
      4. Anonymity
      5. Effrontery
      6. Incredulously
    6. Act III Literary Terms (p. 1186)
      1. Characterization
      2. Direct Characterization
      3. Indirect Characterization
      4. Irony
      5. Dramatic Irony
      6. Verbal Irony
    7. Reminders/Announcements:
      1. W10 SAT Quiz tomorrow
      2. Vocab. and Lit. Terms for Act III of The Crucible will be due Friday at 4:00pm.

    Monday, November 3, 2014

    Week 11, Day 1
    Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing  

    1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your Outliers and Drive Quiz
    2. Outliers Quiz
    3. Drive Quiz (if time permits)
    4. Work on Week 11 DRE
    5. Act III Vocabulary (p. 1186)
      1. Contentious
      2. Deposition
      3. Imperceptible
      4. Anonymity
      5. Effrontery
      6. Incredulously
    6. Act III Literary Terms (p. 1186)
      1. Characterization
      2. Direct Characterization
      3. Indirect Characterization
      4. Irony
      5. Dramatic Irony
      6. Verbal Irony
    7. Assign parts for Act III of The Crucible
    8. Reminders/Announcements:
      1. W9 SAT Quiz Corrections due today at 4:00pm.
      2. W10 SAT Quiz tomorrow
      3. Vocab. and Lit. Terms for Act III of The Crucible will be due Friday at 4:00pm.

    Thursday, October 30, 2014

    Friday, October 31, 2014

    Week 10, Day 4
    Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

    Happy Halloween!!
    1. Grade Week 10 DRE
    2. Turn in The Crucible, Act II Study Guide
    3. Grade The Crucible, Act II Study Guide
    4. Free Read
    5. Study for Week 10 SAT Quiz on Monday
    6. Reminders:
      1. Act II Vocabulary and Literary Terms due TODAY by 4:00pm.
      2. Week 9 SAT Quiz Corrections due Monday at 4:00pm.  
      3. Week 10 SAT Quiz on Monday.

    Thursday, October 30, 2014

    Week 10, Day 4
    Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

    1. Bell Work: Put your cell phone on your desk, upside down.
    2. Watch The Crucible, Act II
    3. Reminders:
      1. Act II Study Guide due tomorrow at the beginning of class.
      2. Act II Vocabulary and Literary Terms due tomorrow by 4:00pm.
      3. Week 10 DRE due tomorrow at the beginning of class.
      4. Week 9 SAT Quiz Corrections due Monday at 4:00pm.  
      5. Drive and Outliers quiz on Monday.

    Tuesday, October 28, 2014

    Wednesday, October 29, 2014

    Week 10, Day 3
    Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.
    1. Bell Work: 
      1. Put your phone upside down on your desk
      2. Open your textbook to page 1172
    2. Continue reading Act II
    3. If you can multi-task, you may work on the Act II Study Guide as we read. 
    4. Reminder:
      1. Act II Vocab. and Lit. Terms are due on Friday

    Monday, October 27, 2014

    Tuesday, October 28, 2014

    Week 10, Day 2
    Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.
    1. Bell Work: 
      1. Put your phone upside down on your desk
      2. Make a copy of Act II Study Guide
      3. Open your textbook to page 1161
    2. Begin reading Act II
    3. If you can multi-task, you may work on the Act II Study Guide as we read. 
    4. Reminders:
      1. Act II Vocab. and Lit. Terms are due on Friday

    Monday, October 27, 2014

    Week 10, Day 1
    Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing  

    1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your SAT Week #9
    2. SAT Quiz #9
    3. Work on Week 10 DRE
    4. Act II Vocabulary (p. 1160)
      1. Pallor
      2. Ameliorate
      3. Avidly
      4. Base
      5. Deference
      6. Theology
    5. Act II Literary Terms (p. 1160)
      1. Conflict
      2. External Conflict
      3. Internal Conflict
      4. Biblical Allusions
    6. Assign parts for Act II of The Crucible
    7. Reminders/Announcements:
      1. Vocab. and Lit. Terms for Act II of The Crucible will be due Friday at 4:00pm.

    Friday, October 24, 2014

    Friday, October 24, 2014

    Week 9, Day 5
    Objective: SWBAT write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose, use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading such as to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing; 
    literary analysis, defining drama terms, cultural and historical impacts on literature, grade-level vocabulary

    1. Grade Week 9 DRE
    2. Turn in Act I Study Guide
    3. Grade Act I Study Guide
    4. Reminders: 
      1. SAT Quiz on Monday!

    Thursday, October 23, 2014

    Thursday, October 23, 2014

    Week 9, Day 4
    Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

    1. Bell Work: Put your cell phone on your desk, upside down.
    2. Watch The Crucible, Act I
    3. Turn in your bell work spiral.
    4. Reminders:
      1. Act I Study Guide due tomorrow at the beginning of class.
      2. Act I Vocabulary and Literary Terms due tomorrow (if you're already done, let me know and I will go ahead and grade it!)
      3. Week 9 DRE due tomorrow.

    Tuesday, October 21, 2014

    Wednesday, October 22, 2014

    Week 9, Day 3
    Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

    1. Bell Work: Put your cell phone on your desk, upside down.
    2. Work on Study Guide for The Crucible, Act I
    3. We will watch Act I of the movie tomorrow.
    4. Reminders:
      1. Bell Work spiral due Thursday during class.
      2. Act I Study Guide due Friday at the beginning of class.
      3. Act I Vocabulary and Literary Terms due Friday (if you're already done, let me know and I will go ahead and grade it!)

    Monday, October 20, 2014

    Tuesday, October 21, 2014

    Week 9, Day 2
    Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

    1. Bell Work: Put your cell phone on your desk, upside down.  Turn to page 1147 in your textbook.
    2. Continue reading The Crucible, Act I
    3. You may work on your Study Guide for Act I, if you can keep up with what we are reading, too.
    4. Reminders:
      1. Act I Study Guide due Friday
      2. Act I Vocabulary and Literary Terms due Friday

    Monday, October 20, 2014

    Week 9, Day 1
    Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing  

    1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your SAT Week #8
    2. SAT Quiz #8
    3. Grade Week 8 DRE
    4. Work on Week 9 DRE
    5. Study new SAT words
    6. Reminders/Announcements:
      1. Vocab. and Lit. Terms for Act I of The Crucible will be due Friday at 4:00pm.

    Wednesday, October 15, 2014

    Thursday, October 16, 2014

    Week 8, Day 4
    Objective: SWBAT write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose, use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading such as to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing; 
    literary analysis, defining drama terms, cultural and historical impacts on literature, grade-level vocabulary

    1. Continue reading The Crucible, Act I
    2. Reminders: 
      1. SAT Quiz on Monday!!!! STUDY!!!!
      2. Enjoy your 3-day weekend!

    Wednesday, October 15, 2014

    Week 8, Day 3
    Objective: PSAT
    1. No class due to the PSAT.
    2. Reminders:
      1. W8 DRE due tomorrow.

    Monday, October 13, 2014

    Tuesday, October 14, 2014

    Week 8, Day 2
    Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

    1. Bell Work: Put your cell phone on your desk, upside down.  Create a folder in your Google Drive titled The Crucible.  Turn to page 1124 in your textbook.
    2. Assign parts (if we didn't get to yesterday!)
    3. Background Information about The Crucible, Act I and the Salem Witch Trials (pages 1124-1129)
    4. Create 
    5. Save a copy of this Character Map  into your folder titled The Crucible
    6. Save a copy of Act I, Study Guide, the due date will be announced when we finish reading Act I.  You may work on this as we read, but will need to keep up and pay attention to what we are reading.
    7. Begin reading The Crucible, Act I (p. 1129)
    8. Reminders:
      1. PSAT tomorrow!

    Sunday, October 12, 2014

    Monday, October 13, 2014

    Week 8, Day 1
    Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing  
    1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your SAT Week #7
    2. SAT Quiz #7
    3. Work on Week 8 DRE
    4. Assign parts for Act I of The Crucible
    5. Reminders/Announcements:
      1. PSAT Wednesday.

    Thursday, October 9, 2014

    Friday, October 10, 2014

    Week 7, Day 5
    Objective: SWBAT write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose, use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading such as to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing; 
    literary analysis, defining drama terms, cultural and historical impacts on literature, grade-level vocabulary

    1. Grade Week 6 DRE
    2. Bell Work: Free Write...Write about anything that you want to write about.  (At least 40 words, underlining every 10th word, and include at least 2 of the current week's SAT words.)
    3. Read Outliers or Drive
    4. Reminders: 
      1. SAT Quiz on Monday!!!! (Week 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 words will be on there!!!!) STUDY!!!!