Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012

Week 1, Day 5
Objective: SWBAT write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose, use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading such as to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing

  1. Bell Work: Free Write...Write about anything that you want to write about.  (At least 5 sentences)
  2. Free Read (preferably not a textbook or magazine)
  3. Free Rice (make sure you are signed in and in my group)
  4. Free Write (maybe you like to may do so, write a novel, a diary entry, song lyrics, a poem, whatever you are inspired to write.)
  5. Fridays are not a time to work on things for another class.  You are being productive in English class.  Please stay on task.  
  6. This week I will also let you complete any of the things that you need to complete on my blog to get caught up.  
Please note: Fridays are not a time to work on things for another class.  You need to be productive for English class.  Please stay on task.  This is NOT a free day.  This a chance for you to do what you enjoy the most with regards to this class: reading, writing, or vocabulary development.

The more you write the better writer you will become.
The more you read the better reader you will become.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week 1, Day 4
Objective: SWBAT (Student will be able to...) understand morning procedures, begin doing bell work in the appropriate format, write in cursive (legibly), and work with Web 2.0 tools.

  1. Bell Work: What do you want to be when you grow up?  Why? What steps will you have to take to make sure you get there? (be prepared to share!)
  2. Announcements and Reminders:
    1. Make sure you are putting your usernames and passwords on your Google Doc.
    2. Bring a book to class tomorrow.
    3. Bring your supplies to class everyday (including headphones)
    4. Be HAPPY!  It's almost FRIDAY!!!!!!  
  3. Cursive Assignment (due tomorrow)
    1. Write your 8 times table in cursive.
    2. 8 x 1=8 would be written as eight times one equals eight
    3. Go from 8x1 all the way through 8x15
    4. Please don't complain, it is really important for you to know how to write in cursive.
    5. This should be done on a separate sheet of paper, in blue or black INK!!!!
    6. Heading goes at the top right, name, date, and period
  4. Finish up everything that is on this week's blog.
  5. If there is time, left you may add books to your Shelfari account, or play on Free Rice

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Week 1, Day 3
Objective: SWBAT (Student will be able to...) understand morning procedures, begin doing bell work in the appropriate format, and work with Web 2.0 tools.

  1. Open Google Docs/Google Drive
  2. Open 1st Six Weeks Bell Work
  3. Make a copy of the 1st Six Weeks Bell Work
  4. Move it into the folder/collection titled "Bell Work"
  5. Read all of the formatting directions on the 1st Six Weeks Bell Work
  6. Respond to this prompt for today's bell work: Write about what you did over Summer Break.
  7. Fill out this Student Information Form (this will be a daily grade 100, 50, or 0)
  8. Create an account with
    1. Go to
    2. Click Register
    3. If you do not have an amazon account, put in your email address and click "do not have an amazon password"
    4. You will be asked to type your name
    5. Re-enter your email address
    6. Choose a password
    7. Re-enter your password
    8. Click "create an account"
    9. You should now be able to log-in
    10. In the search bar, type in "Avalos" and then click the drop down box for "groups"
    11. Hit "search"
    12. Click on "Mrs. Avalos's English Class" group and toward the top of the right hand side you will see a button that says "Join"
    13. Click "join"
    14. You may also add me as a friend, if you wish
    15. Put your log-in information in your Usernames and Passwords document
  9. Create an account with
    1. Go to
    2. At the top, click "Sign Up"
    3. Enter a username (that you will remember!!!!!!)
    4. Enter your Godley email address (
    5. It will send you an email to your Godley email address aka Gmail account
    6. Check your email
    7. Click the link in the email for one-time log-in
    8. Select a password
    9. Re-type your password
    10. Click "save"
    11. Log-in
    12. Once logged-in, click "groups"
    13. Search for "Avalos"
    14. Join my group
    15. Begin playing in my group
      1. **NOTE**EVERY TIME YOU LOG-IN TO FREERICE.COM, YOU WILL HAVE TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE PLAYING IN THE AVALOS GROUP.  OTHERWISE, YOU WILL NOT GET CREDIT IN MY CLASS FOR THE RICE YOU EARN.  We will use quite often.  Please make sure you remember your username and password.  Also, I will be holding ‘contests’ between classes and offer extra credit periodically.
      2. In other words, it must have YOUR USERNAME at the left and MY GROUP NAME on the right.
    16. Fill out this quick form so that I will know what username goes with which person.  
    17. Put your log-in information in your Usernames and Passwords document
  10. If there is time, left you may add books to your Shelfari account, or play on Free Rice

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Week 1, Day 2
Objective: Discuss classroom expectations, policies, and procedures.  Learn proper use and care of Chrome Books. Become more familiar with Mrs. Avalos and her classroom.

Hope your first day back was wonderful and welcome to Day #2!!!
By the time you log on to my blog, you will have already done some of the items listed.  I will mark the ones you need to do in blue.  

  1. Blog! 
    1. Read all of it!  
    2. Don't just skim.  
    3. There is lots of important information on here!
    4. REALLY don't like to repeat myself over, and over, and over, and over...
  2. Technology
    1. Sometimes will work, sometimes it won't
    2. Be flexible
    3. Collaboration
    4. Help each other
  3. SAT Vocabulary 
    1. 5-10 words each week, starting next week
    2. Definitions will be on my website.  
    3. I would encourage you to create a Google Doc in "Vocabulary" titled "SAT Vocab.")  
    4. There will be quizzes each week, starting on Monday of Week 3.
  4. Get Out of Jail Free Cards
    1. 2 per semester
    2. good for a trip to the restroom, get a drink, locker, or a tardy pass. 
    3. Must be in your possession to use it.
    4. May be able to earn additional ones throughout the semester for extra credit, etc
  5. Syllabus
  6. Questions
  7. Make a copy of  "Usernames and Passwords." 
    1. Fill out any of the usernames and passwords that you already know.  
    2. The other websites listed will be log-ins that we will create in the future.  Don't worry about any of them if you don't know what they are or what they mean.  
  8. Finish up anything that you did not finish yesterday
  9. Have a GREAT DAY!  

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

Objective: Discuss classroom expectations, policies, and procedures.  Learn proper use and care of Chrome Books.  

Welcome back and welcome to HONORS English III: American Literature!

Please follow the following list of directions.  If you need help, please ask a neighbor or raise your hand.  If I start talking to the class, please close your chrome book 1/2 way and look at me so that I know you are paying attention.  

  1. Bookmark my blog in Google Chrome.
  2. Bookmark my website in Google Chrome.  
  3. Fill out this short form
  4. Open Google Docs.
  5. Create a new collection titled "Avalos English."  If you need help, ask a neighbor or raise your hand.  I would recommend color coding your classes, as many of your teachers will probably have you creating folders for their classes.  
  6. Within "Avalos English," create the following folders
    1. Vocabulary
    2. Handouts
    3. Bell Work
    4. Notes
    5. Grammar
    6. Literature
    7. Writing
  7. Click here to access my syllabus.  
  8. Make a copy of my syllabus and put it in the folder "Avalos English"
  9. On the syllabus, make note of the following important pieces of information:
    1. Honors (under Academic Requirements)
    2. Materials
    3. End of Class
  10. Click here to open "Fall 2012 Schedule"
    1. Make a copy of this document and then fill it out.
  11. If time permits, we will go over the class blog and my website.  
  12. We will go over policies and procedures in the syllabus tomorrow.  Feel free to read through it and make note of any questions you may have.