Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Week 27, Day 3
Objective: Planning for next year.

  1. Bell Work: 
    1. Log-in to www.careercruising.com in a new tab
    2. Wait for directions from Mrs. Angeley
  2. Counselor talking about transcripts and schedule for next year.
    1. Listen!
    2. Follow directions!
    3. Pay attention!
  3. Reminders:
    1. Be good for Mrs. Anglin and Mrs. Angeley.
    2. If you're absent today, you'll need to schedule a time to meet with Mrs. Angeley to get all of your stuff taken care of.
    3. Work on Free Rice...this is the only way you will be able to have a daily and quiz grade dropped.  I will announce the numbers that you have to get to.  But know that they will be pretty high...like above 25,000.
    4. I will be missing school for quite a few school related activities over the next few weeks.  READ MY BLOG!  Stay caught up!

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