SAT Words of the Week

Definitions (All words for the entire year)

SAT Quizzes will be on Mondays.
These quizzes are cumulative (meaning they build up!)  Don't just cram to remember it for that week. Study and learn the words!

Quizlet Links 2nd Semester
Quizlet Links 1st Semester
  • Week 26 New Words
    1. Abrogate
    2. Boon
    3. Cajole
    4. Defile
    5. Fastidious
    6. Impassive
    7. Malediction
    8. Pallid
    9. Rebuke
    10. Ubiquitous
  • Week 25 New Words
    1. Abjure
    2. Blandish
    3. Decry
    4. Ignominious
    5. Magnanimous
    6. Palliate
    7. Rancor
    8. Sacrosanct
    9. Tantamount
    10. Vacuous
  • Week 24 New Words
    1. Brusque
    2. Calumny
    3. Contrite
    4. Fallacious
    5. Hapless
    6. Jubilant
    7. Languid
    8. Maelstrom
    9. Neophyte
    10. Ostentation
  • Week 23 New Words
    1. Ardor
    2. Articulate
    3. Exigent
    4. Exonerate
    5. Irascible
    6. Monotony
    7. Propriety
    8. Prudence
    9. Pungent
    10. Volatile
  • Week 22 New Words
    1. Arbitrate
    2. Archaic
    3. Credulous
    4. Crescendo
    5. Exacerbate
    6. Exculpate
    7. Inundate
    8. Prodigal
    9. Proliferate
    10. Viscous
  • Week 21 New Words
    1. Arbitrary
    2. Corroborate
    3. Dupe
    4. Euphemism
    5. Intransigent
    6. Luminous
    7. Mollify
    8. Opprobrium
    9. Pristine
    10. Proclivity
  • Week 20 New Words
    1. Approbation
    2. Convoluted
    3. Dogmatic
    4. Eulogy
    5. Frugality
    6. Insipid
    7. Lucid
    8. Precipitate
    9. Vex
    10. Whimsical
  • Week 19 New Words
    1. Apathy
    2. Connoisseur
    3. Dogma
    4. Estimable
    5. Fortuitous
    6. Innocuous
    7. Loquacious
    8. Mitigate
    9. Pragmatic
    10. Verbose
  • Week 18 New Words
    1. Antagonize
    2. Antipathy
    3. Condone
    4. Dissonance
    5. Equivocate
    6. Erratic
    7. Lethargic
    8. Opaque
    9. Plethora
    10. Rhetoric
  • Week 17 New Words
    1. Analogous
    2. Anomaly
    3. Cogent
    4. Dissemble
    5. Erudite
    6. Foment
    7. Inimical
    8. Lavish
    9. Placate
    10. Plastic
  • Week 16--No New Words (Exams)
  • Week 15--No New Words
  • Week 14--No New Words
  • Week 13--No New Words
  • Week 12--No New Words
      • Week 11 New Words
        1. Anachronism
        2. Coalesce
        3. Disparate
        4. Esoteric
        5. Florid
        6. Guile
        7. Homogeneous
        8. Inchoate
        9. Laud
        10. Misanthrope
      • Week 10 New Words
        1. Ambiguous
        2. Ameliorate
        3. Circumspect
        4. Discern
        5. Implacable
        6. Latent
        7. Onerous
        8. Reticent
        9. Sublime
        10. Transitory
      • Week 9 New Words
        1. Amalgamate
        2. Chicanery
        3. Disabuse
        4. Enumerate
        5. Impervious
        6. Lassitude
        7. Occlude
        8. Phlegmatic
        9. Quiescent
        10. Torpor
      • Week 8 New Words
        1. Alacrity
        2. Alleviate
        3. Burnish
        4. Chauvinist
        5. Dilettante
        6. Dirge
        7. Enigma
        8. Gullible
        9. Meticulous
        10. Philanthropy
      • Week 7 New Words
        1. Aggrandize
        2. Chaos
        3. Dilatory
        4. Engender
        5. Imperturbable
        6. Lament
        7. Obviate
        8. Pervade
        9. Repudiate
        10. Tirade
      • Week 6 New Words
        1. Aesthetic
        2. Caustic
        3. Dilate
        4. Emulate
        5. Fervid
        6. Permeate
        7. Stolid
        8. Taciturn
        9. Veracity
        10. Waver
      • Week 5 New Words
        1. Advocate
        2. Adulterate
        3. Burgeon
        4. Catalyst
        5. Diffident
        6. Embellish
        7. Gregarious
        8. Metaphor
        9. Obstinate
        10. Stigma
      • Week 4 New Words
        1. Abyss
        2. Castigate
        3. Diatribe
        4. Eloquent
        5. Iconoclast
        6. Pedant
        7. Perfunctory
        8. Specious
        9. Tacit
        10. Zeal
      • Week 3 New Words
        1. Abscond
        2. Bombastic
        3. Capricious
        4. Desiccate
        5. Elegy
        6. Fawn
        7. Garrulous
        8. Naive
        9. Paragon
        10. Venerate
      • Week 2 New Words
        1. Aberrant
        2. Bolster
        3. Candid
        4. Deride
        5. Efficacy
        6. Fanatical
        7. Laconic
        8. Malleable
        9. Rarefy
        10. Soporific
      • Week 1 New Words
        1. Abstain
        2. Audacious
        3. Banal
        4. Cacophony
        5. Decorum
        6. Eclectic
        7. Malinger
        8. Paradox
        9. Satiate
        10. Vacillate

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