Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Week 22, Day 4
Objective: Demonstrate familiarity with works by authors in American fiction from each major literary period; Revise drafts to clarify meaning and achieve logical organization by adding transitional words and phrases; Write an interpretation of a literary text that identifies and analyzes the ambiguities, nuances, and complexities within the text and anticipates and responds to readers' questions or contradictory information; Reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension.  Using technology as a tool for classroom discussion. 
  1. Bell Work: On page 575, you read the critical commentary: from "How to Tell a Story" by Mark Twain.  Why does Twain think Americans are skilled at telling humorous stories? What is the difference between a humorous story and comic story?  
  2. Perfect School Project
  3. NOT on YouTube...NOT playing games...You know what I expect from you. I'm pretty sure that I am going to have access to Hapara today...just saying.
  4. Week 22 SAT words should be working now...if not, let me know!!!!
  5. Reminders:
    1. Be good for the Mr. Galvan!  Remember, any names left will result in a write-up.  
    2. No school Friday and no school Monday!!!
    3. W22 DRE will be due on Tuesday.
    4. Be ready for a quiz over "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" when I get back.

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