Week 25, Day 4
Demonstrate familiarity with works by authors in American fiction from each major literary period; Revise drafts to clarify meaning and achieve logical organization by adding transitional words and phrases; Write an interpretation of a literary text that identifies and analyzes the ambiguities, nuances, and complexities within the text and anticipates and responds to readers' questions or contradictory information; Reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension. Using technology as a tool for classroom discussion.
- Bell Work must now be done in your spiral, every day, in blue or black ink pen!
- Bell Work: What companies would be affected if humans had no hair? Write about life in a hairless world.
- Lesson: Complexities of Point of View
- Handout 19: The Eye of the Reporter
- Handout 20: Browning's Notorious Narrator
- Handout 21: Point of View: A Closer Look