Week 15, Day 4
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing;
- "Get Out of Jail Free" and "Leave Me Alone" Pass Buy-Back: TOMORROW
- ONE-DAY ONLY: TOMORROW, December 12, 2014!!!!
- Must bring them to class to receive the extra credit.
- You will NOT be allowed to go to your locker to get it.
- Work on Perfect School Project
- Reminder: Canned Food Drive Extra Credit Worksheet
- Follow the directions on the worksheet.
- Turn it in by Friday.
- Week 15 DRE due tomorrow.
Week 15, Day 3
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing;
- "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson Quiz
- Discussion over "The Lottery"
- Work on Perfect School Project
- Canned Food Drive Extra Credit Worksheet
- Follow the directions on the worksheet.
- Turn it in by Friday.
- I would wait until at least tomorrow to fill it out because I have MANY grades to put into SkyWard.
Week 15, Day 2
Objective: none
- Change of plans!
- As with all things, we must be flexible. The counselor had to cancel her visit with my classes today.
- Mrs. Angeley is tentatively rescheduled for NEXT Tuesday.
- Grade papers
- Talk about grades
- Work on Perfect School Project
- Homework:
- Read "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson.
- Take notes.
- Be ready for a quiz on Wednesday. You may use your notes.
- Reminder:
- SAT Writing Field Test Wednesday morning
Week 15, Day 1
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing;
- Bell Work: study for your SAT Quiz #14
- SAT Quiz #14
- Turn in W13 & W14 DRE
- W15 DRE
- Plans for the rest of the week
- Perfect School Project
Week 14, Day 5
Objective: literary analysis, defining drama terms, cultural and historical impacts on literature, grade-level vocabulary
- Class Discussion about "The Storm"
- Class Discussion about "The Story of an Hour"
- "The Storm" and "The Story of an Hour" Quiz
- "The Good Wife's Guide"
Week 14, Day 4
Objective: brainstorm, consult with others, and formulate a major research plan to address the research topic (perfect school); formulate a plan for engaging in in-depth research on a complex, multi-faceted topic; follow the research plan to gather evidence from experts on the topic and texts written for informed audiences in the field, distinguishing between reliable and unreliable sources and avoiding over-reliance on one source; systematically organize relevant and accurate information to support central ideas, concepts, and themes, outline ideas into conceptual maps/timelines, and separate factual data from complex inferences; paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all researched information according to a standard format (e.g., author, title, page number), differentiating among primary, secondary, and other sources; all TEKS regarding synthesizing information and organizing and presenting ideas.
- Work on Perfect School Project
Week 14, Day 3
Objective: brainstorm, consult with others, and formulate a major research plan to address the research topic (perfect school); formulate a plan for engaging in in-depth research on a complex, multi-faceted topic; follow the research plan to gather evidence from experts on the topic and texts written for informed audiences in the field, distinguishing between reliable and unreliable sources and avoiding over-reliance on one source; systematically organize relevant and accurate information to support central ideas, concepts, and themes, outline ideas into conceptual maps/timelines, and separate factual data from complex inferences; paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all researched information according to a standard format (e.g., author, title, page number), differentiating among primary, secondary, and other sources; all TEKS regarding synthesizing information and organizing and presenting ideas.
- Work on Perfect School Project
Week 14, Day 2
Objective: brainstorm, consult with others, and formulate a major research plan to address the research topic (perfect school); formulate a plan for engaging in in-depth research on a complex, multi-faceted topic; follow the research plan to gather evidence from experts on the topic and texts written for informed audiences in the field, distinguishing between reliable and unreliable sources and avoiding over-reliance on one source; systematically organize relevant and accurate information to support central ideas, concepts, and themes, outline ideas into conceptual maps/timelines, and separate factual data from complex inferences; paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all researched information according to a standard format (e.g., author, title, page number), differentiating among primary, secondary, and other sources; all TEKS regarding synthesizing information and organizing and presenting ideas.
- Work on Perfect School Project
- Receive "The Story of an Hour" and "The Storm" by Kate Chopin
- Read by Friday
- You may take handwritten notes and use them on the quiz Friday
Week 14, Day 1
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing;
- Bell Work: study for your SAT Quiz #13
- SAT Quiz #13
- Work on Week 14 DRE
- www.freerice.com (make sure you are signed in and in my group)
- If you can't get into my group (haven't received the confirmation email) it is okay, you can still play to gain knowledge and help others!!!!
- Let me know your username, please.