Thursday, October 30, 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014

Week 10, Day 4
Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

Happy Halloween!!
  1. Grade Week 10 DRE
  2. Turn in The Crucible, Act II Study Guide
  3. Grade The Crucible, Act II Study Guide
  4. Free Read
  5. Study for Week 10 SAT Quiz on Monday
  6. Reminders:
    1. Act II Vocabulary and Literary Terms due TODAY by 4:00pm.
    2. Week 9 SAT Quiz Corrections due Monday at 4:00pm.  
    3. Week 10 SAT Quiz on Monday.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Week 10, Day 4
Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

  1. Bell Work: Put your cell phone on your desk, upside down.
  2. Watch The Crucible, Act II
  3. Reminders:
    1. Act II Study Guide due tomorrow at the beginning of class.
    2. Act II Vocabulary and Literary Terms due tomorrow by 4:00pm.
    3. Week 10 DRE due tomorrow at the beginning of class.
    4. Week 9 SAT Quiz Corrections due Monday at 4:00pm.  
    5. Drive and Outliers quiz on Monday.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Week 10, Day 3
Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.
  1. Bell Work: 
    1. Put your phone upside down on your desk
    2. Open your textbook to page 1172
  2. Continue reading Act II
  3. If you can multi-task, you may work on the Act II Study Guide as we read. 
  4. Reminder:
    1. Act II Vocab. and Lit. Terms are due on Friday

Monday, October 27, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Week 10, Day 2
Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.
  1. Bell Work: 
    1. Put your phone upside down on your desk
    2. Make a copy of Act II Study Guide
    3. Open your textbook to page 1161
  2. Begin reading Act II
  3. If you can multi-task, you may work on the Act II Study Guide as we read. 
  4. Reminders:
    1. Act II Vocab. and Lit. Terms are due on Friday

Monday, October 27, 2014

Week 10, Day 1
Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing  

  1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your SAT Week #9
  2. SAT Quiz #9
  3. Work on Week 10 DRE
  4. Act II Vocabulary (p. 1160)
    1. Pallor
    2. Ameliorate
    3. Avidly
    4. Base
    5. Deference
    6. Theology
  5. Act II Literary Terms (p. 1160)
    1. Conflict
    2. External Conflict
    3. Internal Conflict
    4. Biblical Allusions
  6. Assign parts for Act II of The Crucible
  7. Reminders/Announcements:
    1. Vocab. and Lit. Terms for Act II of The Crucible will be due Friday at 4:00pm.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday, October 24, 2014

Week 9, Day 5
Objective: SWBAT write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose, use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading such as to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing; 
literary analysis, defining drama terms, cultural and historical impacts on literature, grade-level vocabulary

  1. Grade Week 9 DRE
  2. Turn in Act I Study Guide
  3. Grade Act I Study Guide
  4. Reminders: 
    1. SAT Quiz on Monday!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Week 9, Day 4
Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

  1. Bell Work: Put your cell phone on your desk, upside down.
  2. Watch The Crucible, Act I
  3. Turn in your bell work spiral.
  4. Reminders:
    1. Act I Study Guide due tomorrow at the beginning of class.
    2. Act I Vocabulary and Literary Terms due tomorrow (if you're already done, let me know and I will go ahead and grade it!)
    3. Week 9 DRE due tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Week 9, Day 3
Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

  1. Bell Work: Put your cell phone on your desk, upside down.
  2. Work on Study Guide for The Crucible, Act I
  3. We will watch Act I of the movie tomorrow.
  4. Reminders:
    1. Bell Work spiral due Thursday during class.
    2. Act I Study Guide due Friday at the beginning of class.
    3. Act I Vocabulary and Literary Terms due Friday (if you're already done, let me know and I will go ahead and grade it!)

Monday, October 20, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week 9, Day 2
Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

  1. Bell Work: Put your cell phone on your desk, upside down.  Turn to page 1147 in your textbook.
  2. Continue reading The Crucible, Act I
  3. You may work on your Study Guide for Act I, if you can keep up with what we are reading, too.
  4. Reminders:
    1. Act I Study Guide due Friday
    2. Act I Vocabulary and Literary Terms due Friday

Monday, October 20, 2014

Week 9, Day 1
Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing  

  1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your SAT Week #8
  2. SAT Quiz #8
  3. Grade Week 8 DRE
  4. Work on Week 9 DRE
  5. Study new SAT words
  6. Reminders/Announcements:
    1. Vocab. and Lit. Terms for Act I of The Crucible will be due Friday at 4:00pm.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Week 8, Day 4
Objective: SWBAT write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose, use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading such as to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing; 
literary analysis, defining drama terms, cultural and historical impacts on literature, grade-level vocabulary

  1. Continue reading The Crucible, Act I
  2. Reminders: 
    1. SAT Quiz on Monday!!!! STUDY!!!!
    2. Enjoy your 3-day weekend!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Week 8, Day 3
Objective: PSAT
  1. No class due to the PSAT.
  2. Reminders:
    1. W8 DRE due tomorrow.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Week 8, Day 2
Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

  1. Bell Work: Put your cell phone on your desk, upside down.  Create a folder in your Google Drive titled The Crucible.  Turn to page 1124 in your textbook.
  2. Assign parts (if we didn't get to yesterday!)
  3. Background Information about The Crucible, Act I and the Salem Witch Trials (pages 1124-1129)
  4. Create 
  5. Save a copy of this Character Map  into your folder titled The Crucible
  6. Save a copy of Act I, Study Guide, the due date will be announced when we finish reading Act I.  You may work on this as we read, but will need to keep up and pay attention to what we are reading.
  7. Begin reading The Crucible, Act I (p. 1129)
  8. Reminders:
    1. PSAT tomorrow!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

Week 8, Day 1
Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing  
  1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your SAT Week #7
  2. SAT Quiz #7
  3. Work on Week 8 DRE
  4. Assign parts for Act I of The Crucible
  5. Reminders/Announcements:
    1. PSAT Wednesday.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014

Week 7, Day 5
Objective: SWBAT write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose, use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading such as to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing; 
literary analysis, defining drama terms, cultural and historical impacts on literature, grade-level vocabulary

  1. Grade Week 6 DRE
  2. Bell Work: Free Write...Write about anything that you want to write about.  (At least 40 words, underlining every 10th word, and include at least 2 of the current week's SAT words.)
  3. Read Outliers or Drive
  4. Reminders: 
    1. SAT Quiz on Monday!!!! (Week 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 words will be on there!!!!) STUDY!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Week 7, Day 4
Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

  1. Bell Work: Open your "Author Information" document on your chrome book and open your textbook to page 1118.
  2. Author Information: Arthur Miller (p. 1118-1121)
  3. Vocabulary (p. 1123)
    1. Predilection
    2. Ingratiating
    3. Dissembling
    4. Calumny
    5. Inculcation
    6. Propitiation
    7. Evade
  4. Literary Terms
    1. Plot
    2. Rising Action
    3. Climax
    4. Falling Action
    5. Resolution
    6. Dramatic Exposition
  5. If you finish early,
    1. Work on your Week 7 DRE
    2. Study SAT words
  6. Reminders:
    1. Week 7 DRE due tomorrow

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday, October 7, 2014

Week 7, Day 3
Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

  1. Bell Work: We are about to start a play in which the entire population of a town splits into two factions—the accusers and the accused—and in which the accused can escape punishment only if they name others guilty of the same crime.  What would you do if you were one of the accused? 
    1. In your spiral, at least 40 words, please underline every 10th word, and please use two SAT words.  
  2. Discuss Bell Work
  3. Finish American Lit. videos from yesterday
  4. SAT Corrections
  5. "Get out of Jail Free" passes
  6. "Leave Me Alone" pass
  7. Textbooks--Please let me know if you would like to check out a textbook.
  8. If time, Author Information: Arthur Miller (p. 1118-1121)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Week 7, Day 2
Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing  
  1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your SAT Week #6
  2. SAT Quiz #6
  3. Study new SAT words.  
  4. American Lit. Videos

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday, October 6, 2014

Week 7, Day 1
Objective: Beginning of the year introductions

  1. Meet Mrs. Avalos
  2. Week 6 SAT Quiz rescheduled to Tuesday.
  3. Week 7 DRE
  4. Expectations

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

Week 6, Day 5
Objective: SWBAT write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose, use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading such as to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing; 
literary analysis, defining drama terms, cultural and historical impacts on literature, grade-level vocabulary

  1. Grade Week 6 DRE
    1. Remember, if you have "extra" corrections on the DRE just mark them off with your red pen, but don't count them wrong.  Only count it wrong if it is something that I have on mine, that you don't have on yours.  (But remember, if you corrected it in another way like adding a period and capitalizing the first letter of the new sentence rather than putting a semi-colon, that is okay too!)  Use your judgement and BE HONEST!!!!!!!!!
  2. Bell Work: Free Write...Write about anything that you want to write about.  (At least 40 words, underlining every 10th word, and include at least 2 of the current week's SAT words.)
  3. Finish Salem Witch Trials Web Quest
    1. Read this article on the Salem witchcraft trials
    2. Experience this virtual witch trial to get a feel for what it was like to be accused in the Salem witchcraft trials.  (Use the links to click through the virtual tour)
    3. Read this timeline of the events of the Salem witchcraft trials.
    4. View this actual arrest warrant from the Salem witchcraft trials.
    5. Read this opinion piece on a possible "witch hunt" that has happened more recently.
    6. On Questions to Answer: (Answer these on a Google Doc, in complete sentences.  I will give you a link to share them with me tomorrow.)
      1. What were some beliefs about witchcraft and witches people held in the past?
      2. What were the Salem witchcraft trials?
      3. What are some possible explanations for the Salem witchcraft trials?
      4. What options did an accused witch have in Salem?
      5. How quickly did things get out of hand in Salem?
      6. How long did the Salem witchcraft trials go on for?
      7. What sort of evidence was used to arrest accused witches?
      8. Do "witch hunts" still happen?
      9. Can you think of anything else that has happened in this country that would also be considered a "witch hunt"?
  4. Turn in your Salem Witch Trials Web Quest Questions
  5. Reminders: 
    1. Today is the end of the first six weeks.
    2. I will be back on Monday.  I can't wait to meet all of you!
    3. SAT Quiz on Monday!!!! (Week 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 words will be on there!!!!) STUDY!!!!!
Credit--Web Quest taken from:

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Week 6, Day 4
Objective: literary analysis, defining drama terms, cultural and historical impacts on literature, grade-level vocabulary

Today and tomorrow you will be working on a Salem Witch Trial Web Quest. There is quite a bit to read.  You will read on your own.  Then, when you are done reading, you may answer the 9 questions with a partner.  Today you will spend your time reading and learning more about the Salem Witch Trials of 1692.  It will probably take you all of class to do steps 1-5.  Tomorrow, you may work on the questions in step 6.  I know this seems like a lot, but if you use your time wisely, you should get it done.    
  1. Read this article on the Salem witchcraft trials
  2. Experience this virtual witch trial to get a feel for what it was like to be accused in the Salem witchcraft trials.  (Use the links to click through the virtual tour)
  3. Read this timeline of the events of the Salem witchcraft trials.
  4. View this actual arrest warrant from the Salem witchcraft trials.
  5. Read this opinion piece on a possible "witch hunt" that has happened more recently.
  6. On Questions to Answer: (Answer these on a Google Doc, in complete sentences.  I will give you a link to share them with me tomorrow.)
    1. What were some beliefs about witchcraft and witches people held in the past?
    2. What were the Salem witchcraft trials?
    3. What are some possible explanations for the Salem witchcraft trials?
    4. What options did an accused witch have in Salem?
    5. How quickly did things get out of hand in Salem?
    6. How long did the Salem witchcraft trials go on for?
    7. What sort of evidence was used to arrest accused witches?
    8. Do "witch hunts" still happen?
    9. Can you think of anything else that has happened in this country that would also be considered a "witch hunt"?
  7. Reminders: 
    1. Week 6 DRE due tomorrow
    2. As I said yesterday, I was not near my computer much on Tuesday and Wednesday.  I have a lot of emails to go through.  I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Credit--Web Quest taken from: