Thursday, February 27, 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014

Week 24, Day 5
Objective: Creating a college leadership and membership resume as well as a professional job resume.  
  1. Grade Week 24 DRE--you will probably have to show the sub how to turn on the document camera.  Turn it in to the sub after you have graded it.  
  2. Bell Work: Free Write
  3. Work on your Leadership and Membership Resume and Professional Resume.  
  4. Quizlet is up for Week 24 SAT words.  Please study for your SAT Quiz on Monday.
  5. Quiz corrections are due Friday by 3:45pm, unless you are gone with extracurricular activities, then you have until Monday.  
  6. I miss you all!  Feel free to email or tweet me if you have any questions.
  7. Have a GREAT weekend!!!!!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Week 24, Day 4
Objective: Creating a college leadership and membership resume as well as a professional job resume.  
  1. Bell Work: Read this brief article
  2. Today, you are going to begin creating two different resumes.  The first one is called a Leadership and Membership Resume.  This will be where you document all of your high school accomplishments and achievements.  This document will be VERY useful when you begin asking people for letters of recommendations, applying for scholarships, and applying for colleges.  The second resume is a Professional Job Resume.  This is the resume that you will take with you when you apply for jobs and go on job interviews.  As of right now, your professional resume may not have very much work experience on it, so your focus may be more academic.  However, as you gain work experience you will place more emphasis on it and less on your academic accomplishments.  I have provided you with lots of examples.  You can also look for more examples on-line.  However, I would NOT recommend using an on-line source to CREATE your resume.  A lot of times they are scams and will end up sending you a ton of spam.  Please trust me on this.  As one of the articles below says, your resume is YOU on paper.  You want to make it visually appealing.  
  3. I am very sad that I am not there to guide you through these assignments. I have over 4 years of management and human resource experience.  This is a very valuable assignment, so I ask you to please take this assignment seriously.  I truly feel that this is the most useful assignment that you will do in here all year long.  I encourage you to save it to your Google Drive, but also email it to yourself.  You will want to add to it throughout this year, next year, and even in college.  You'll see that mine (one of the examples) was updated all the way through college.  Every year I have tons of my previous students send me emails asking if I saved their resume and that they need it.  You can believe me now or you can wait and I can just say, "I told you so" next year.  
  4. Create a Leadership and Membership Resume
    1. Make a copy of this Leadership and Membership Resume
    2. Fill it out with YOUR information
    3. Keep this document handy and add to it as the years go by
    4. Here is an example of a completed Leadership and Membership Resume
  5. Create a Professional Job Resume using these documents to guide you
    1. Professional Job Resume Assignment
  6. Use these to guide you
    1. Resume Personal Data Sheet
    2. Myths and Facts about Resumes
    3. Resume Key Words
    4. Example 1
    5. Example 2
  7. We will work on these in class a little bit, but they really shouldn't take you very long.  They are due Friday, March 7th at 4:00pm.  I will put a FORM on my blog for you to turn these in.  
  8. Feel free to collaborate with your peers.
  9. Quizlet is up for Week 24 SAT words.  Please study for your SAT Quiz on Monday.
  10. Quiz corrections are due Friday by 3:45pm, unless you are gone with extracurricular activities, then you have until Monday.  
  11. I miss you all!  Feel free to email or tweet me if you have any questions.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Week 24, Day 3
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.

  1. Bell Work: What companies would be affected if humans had no hair?  Write about life in a hairless world.  
    1. Remember to use at least two SAT words and a minimum of 90 words.
    2. Do this in your new Bell Work Google Doc that you created yesterday.
    3. If you weren't here yesterday, go read the blog post.  
  2. Turn in your Bucket List on this form
  3. We are about to start talking about how literary genres are connected.  One way they are connected is by a "Universal Truth."  Universal Truth is a truth that applies to all places and all things.  
  4. Read this article that I found interesting that helps explain how literature connects all of us.  
  5. Then, you may read for your independent reading project and/or work on the Activity for Week 1...due Monday!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I miss you and, as always, BE GOOD FOR THE SUB!
  7. Remember that I can see your computers from home (the perks of technology).  Stay off of games, YouTube, and anything else that you know I would NOT approve of.  
  8. Feel free to tweet me @AvalosEnglish or email me if you have any questions!!!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Week 24, Day 2
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.

I know this is long, but please read all of it!!!!!

Surprise! I'm not here today.  Unfortunately, I won't be back until after Spring Break.  Here is what is going on: I have had a sinus infection since before Christmas.  It doesn't appear to be getting better.  In pregnancy, there isn't a lot of medications that are safe to take.  On Friday, when I went to the doctor, she recommended aka "prescribed" for me to be off from work for a minimum of two weeks.  She said that if I keep going at the pace I have been going, I am not going to get better and it could end up hurting the baby.  Therefore, I am at home for the next two weeks.  It is not necessarily "bed rest."  It is just "try to limit your stress to an absolute minimum and get as much rest as possible." I will still be checking emails periodically and trying to keep up with my twitter, as well.  I am okay...really!  Doctor just wants me to take a little bit of time to "de-stress," take care of myself, and get to feeling better.  Don't believe any rumors...I have not joined the Witness Protection Program, I have not been abducted by aliens, I have not gone into labor, I have not fled the country to start a new life in Fiji, I have not quit my day job to join the traveling circus, or whatever else people will try to come up with...Haha!  That was supposed to be funny, but I guess "supposed" is the operative word. [insert obligatory laugh here]  I will try to maintain my blog daily...hopefully!

Because of this change in the game plan, I am depending on all of you to take responsibility for your own learning and to BE GOOD for the sub.  I have left strict instructions to write up anyone who gives ANY problems.  Please don't be a problem.  Turn your work in ON-TIME, and turn in QUALITY work.  

I will probably require a lot more "Google Docs" and "Forms" so that I can grade from home.  But even that, I am supposed to keep to a minimum.  So, assign less work, right?!?!  Wrong!  We still have to get through the material.  Bummer, I know.  
  1. Week 24 SAT Words should be posted on the wall.  I will get them on Quizlet as soon as possible, but PLEASE do not rely only on Quizlet to study.
  2. New Bell Work Instructions
    1. In your "Avalos English III" shared folder, make a copy of document: "5th Six Weeks Bell Work"
    2. When you rename your document, put YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME before the "5th Six Weeks Bell Work"
    3. We will start doing Bell Work on a Google Doc, until further notice.  Here's how it is going to work...each day you will write the Bell Work Number (1, 2, 3, etc.), the date, and COPY the bell work question(s) from my blog.  Then you will answer the bell work.  In between each bell work, please put a double or triple space, so I can easily see a distinction between entries.  Also, each day, you will put the newest bell work AT THE TOP of the Google Doc.  
    4. I hope all of this makes sense!!!!!!
  3. Bell Work: Next year is your Senior year.  What type of schedule do you plan to put together for yourself?  Easy? or Rigorous?  What are the pros and cons of each choice?  (Remember, you must have at least 80 words for Regular English and 90 words for Honors!!!!)
  4. Create another Google Doc and title it: YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME Bucket List
  5. You will create a list of AT LEAST 25 things you want to do before you "kick the bucket" or die.  I know it may seem morbid, but I think everyone should have a bucket list. I will have a form for you to submit it tomorrow. 
  6. Start of the new six weeks
    1. Get your assignments in ON-TIME.  I will NOT be accepting late work this six weeks.  
  7. If there is time at the end of class, you may read your Independent Reading book silently.
  8. Tomorrow:  Bring your book to class, you will read all period (after bell work) and you may work on Activity #1 for your Independent Reading Project.  
  9. I'll miss you and BE GOOD FOR THE SUB!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Week 24, Day 1
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.

  1. Week 23 SAT Quiz
  2. Work on Week 24 DRE
  3. Class Discussion over the "correct" answers to "As I Stand Here Ironing"

Friday, February 21, 2014

Week 23, Day 5
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.

  1. Grade your Week 22 DRE
  2. "As I Stand Here Ironing" Questions and Timeline
  3. Study for your SAT Quiz on Monday
  4. Enjoy your weekend!!!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week 23, Day 4
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.

  1. Read "As I Stand Here Ironing" by Tillie Olsen
  2. Multiple Choice AP Questions over short story
    1. You may work with a group of no more than 4
    2. We will grade and discuss on Monday

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Week 23, Day 3
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.

  1. Grade "A Good Man is Hard to Find" Quiz
  2. Class Discussion

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Week 23, Day 2
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.

  1. Week 23 DRE
  2. "A Good Man is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor Quiz

Monday, February 17, 2014

No School
Enjoy your day off!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014

Week 22, Day 5
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.

  1. Grade your Week 22 DRE
  2. Free Rice
  3. Enjoy your long weekend!!!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Week 22, Day 4
Objective: Enjoy a break.

  1. Enjoy your FREE DAY!  You earned it.  
  2. Please be good for the sub.
  3. No illegal activities and Mrs. Fisher has me on speed dial...don't make her use it!
  4. Tweet me if you have any questions @AvalosEnglish

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Week 22, Day 3
Demonstrate familiarity with works by authors in American fiction from each major literary period; Revise drafts to clarify meaning and achieve logical organization by adding transitional words and phrases; Write an interpretation of a literary text that identifies and analyzes the ambiguities, nuances, and complexities within the text and anticipates and responds to readers' questions or contradictory information; Reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension.  Using technology as a tool for classroom discussion. 

  1. Get ready for your quiz over from "Life on the Mississippi: The Boys' Ambition" and "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" by Mark Twain
  2. Read "A Good Man is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor (if you don't get done, it is homework.  Quiz tomorrow.  Unless you get to $250 by noon today for "Pennies for Patients/Owen"

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Week 22, Day 2
Demonstrate familiarity with works by authors in American fiction from each major literary period; Revise drafts to clarify meaning and achieve logical organization by adding transitional words and phrases; Write an interpretation of a literary text that identifies and analyzes the ambiguities, nuances, and complexities within the text and anticipates and responds to readers' questions or contradictory information; Reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension.  Using technology as a tool for classroom discussion. 

  1. Bell Work: Fill out this form to turn in your My Ethics, My Codes of Life Essay
    1. EVERYONE must fill out this form.  Even if you don't have your essay done.  There is a spot for you to provide me with an excuse (that I probably won't accept...just saying.)
  2. Open up textbook to page 470 
  3. Read from "Life on the Mississippi: The Boys' Ambition" by Mark Twain
  4. Read from "How to Tell a Story: An Essay by Mark Twain"
  5. Read "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" by Mark Twain
  6. Yes, I realize I said that you had to have had it read by the time you got to class today.  However, I was anticipating being at school today.  I am at home with Reese.  She is sick and I am not going to risk getting out on the roads.  I'm sorry.  You will have a quiz tomorrow.  (As long as there are no unforeseen circumstances!!!!)
  7. Reminders:
    1. Wednesday at NOON is the deadline for "Pennies for Patients/Owen" because I won't be here on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, and Friday.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Week 22, Day 1
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.

  1. Week 21 SAT Quiz
  2. Work on Week 22 DRE
  3. Read from "Life on the Mississippi" and "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" by Mark Twain by tomorrow.
  4. Reminders:
    1. Ethics essay DUE TOMORROW!!!!!!!
    2. Wednesday at NOON is the deadline for "Pennies for Patients/Owen" because I won't be here on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, and Friday.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

Week 21, Day 5
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.

  1. Grade your Week 21 DRE
  2. Free Rice contest
  3. Final Draft of "My Ethics, My Codes of Life" due on Tuesday, February 11, 2014
  4. SAT Quiz on Monday, February 10, 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Week 21, Day 4
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.

  1. Proofread your "My Ethics, My Codes of Life" rough draft using and a peer to edit.  
    1. "My Ethics, My Codes of Life" Assignment
    2. Use Rachel's Essay as a guide

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Week 21, Day 3
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.

  1. Work on your "My Ethics, My Codes of Life" rough draft
    1. Due tomorrow for a daily grade
    2. "My Ethics, My Codes of Life" Assignment
    3. Use Rachel's Essay as a guide

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Week 21, Day 2
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.

  1. Brainstorm ethics/morals
  2. "My Ethics, My Codes of Life" Discussion
  3. "My Ethics, My Codes of Life" Assignment
  4. Begin brainstorming/pre-writing for your essay
    1. Use Rachel's Essay as a guide

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

Week 21, Day 1
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.

  1. Week 20 SAT Quiz
  2. Week 21 DRE
  3. "My Ethics, My Codes of Life" Discussion
  4. Brainstorm YOUR ethics/morals
  5. Begin working on a rough draft for an essay titled "My Ethics, My Codes of Life"